*sizzling noises*

A gnome.
In mah basement.
Lookin at me.
/Plains puts down the now empty can of "gender blender 300 energy drink"

o/~ Why hellO darlin! What can I getcha honey? o/~

..and them immediately clamps a hand over his mouth as he hears what they new and "improved" "him" sounds like.....

..this're gonna take some gettin used to.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
...You need therapy.
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34 Gnome Rogue
Her initial greeting, perhaps fueled by an already discombobulated heartbeat after minutely inspecting Chieftain January, was lost. A neck vein pulsed erratically. Her ears changed shades until they almost matched her hair.

A. Real. Live. Tauren. Male.

Nabbi’s jaw was doing a good impression of functioning well enough, but her vocal chords seemed to have gone on the fritz. Overwhelmed, she hardly noticed his voice. In fact, she had stopped noticing much of anything once he turned to look at her.

With glazed over eyes, she just ogled, occasionally emitting a soft “hm”.
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100 Orc Warlock
*eyes the curious looking half-breed ((Zatia)) as she entered and took her table*

*wonders what's happened to her order of grog, mildly irritated*
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*slides into a chair in the corner and kicks her feet up on the table*
*raises eyes to meet Gorehand's stare*
*smirks devilishly*
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
...Now *I* need therapy.
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100 Goblin Warlock
01/24/2015 02:02 PMPosted by Ketiron
...Now *I* need therapy.

We all need therapy after this... "display".
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