[H-RP] <World Keepers> - Open Recruitment

100 Tauren Druid
=========WORLD KEEPERS=========

Guild Site: http://worldkeepers.enjin.com/

===IC Information===
The World Keepers are the collaboration of the Cenarion Circle and the Earthen Ring forged out of the Shattering's wake.

For years the two organizations have worked together to extinguish threats, harmonize with the elements, and secure Azeroth's natural state and beyond; their dauntless efforts across Azeroth and Outland (Draenor) have often times led them to work on their own, but with the ever-present threat of the elements' wrath and nature's growing fury, their efforts within select forces soon joined to form a massive mantle of security: The World Keepers.

The guild was created to get the two factions (Cenarion Circle/Earthen Ring) to at last work together in themed Roleplay aimed to mend Azeroth and beyond with natural, spiritual and elemental methods.
Headquarters: Spirit Rise, Thunderbluff
RP Genres: Nature, elements, shamanism, druidism, adventure, spiritual, world events, social

Horde-side World Keepers is always accepting new members! The guild is currently quite small as it is in the process of re-bolstering ranks after the Prime Keepers switched to the Alliance.
The guild’s primary focus is Roleplay at the present, but doesn’t shun PvE or other guild activity should members wish to organize OOCly in those regards as well.

If you're interested in applying to the guild, please contact "Tarhoof or Nazrix" via:

  • In-game mail
  • In-game whisper to "Tarhoof" (or her alts: "Kaichuang", "Gruagg" and "Drigka") OR "Nazrix"

There is a brief and informal OOC interview before joining.
Additionally, at your character's leisure, you will be met at the 'The Emerald Summit' in Feralas to under-go our 3 stage guild initiation process (In Character).
Edited by Tarhoof on 11/18/2015 9:44 PM PST
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100 Tauren Druid
===Member Structure===
The World Keepers is a Neutral organization. It is comprised of both Horde and Alliance members and expects civility between the factions from its members.

Though founded and comprised primarily of Cenarion Circle and Earthen Ring members, the World Keepers welcomes all allies of Azeroth into its ranks. We also accept Sunwalkers, Cenarion Wardens, Earthwatchers, and anyone who wishes to champion the Keepers' cause. The title "Keeper" is reserved for Shaman and Druid.

The World Keepers was OOCly founded by the now-retired Char Blackstorm(Thelgen Galehammer) and Sath Skyspear(Henric McCoy).
Tarhoof inherited the mantle of Prime Druid and serves as the primary representative World Keepers' Horde operations.


Prime Druid:
  • Tarhoof
  • Prime Shaman:
  • None
  • =Guild Ranks=
    • Ardent Keeper (Officer)
    • Ardent Warden (Officer)
    • Elder Keeper (Veteran)
    • Elder Warden (Veteran)
    • Keeper (Member)
    • Warden (Member)
    • Aspirant (Recruit)
    Edited by Tarhoof on 12/30/2014 8:53 PM PST
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    100 Tauren Druid
    The Verdant Gathering
  • http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/14419762130
  • It is a tri-weekly excursion Scenario event lead by Tarhoof or Gruagg on behalf of the Keepers. This event is held on Weekend afternoons at 3:00PM Sever Time.
    Attendance is open to all, especially any guild prospectives who wish to get a sense of the sort of RP the Keepers are all about.

    Additionally, OOC collaboration with Tarhoof to help craft storylines for the Gatherings is encouraged should any member wish to participate!

    Wildtotem Summit
  • http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/17938134084
  • This monthly meetup of Druid and Shaman is lead by the elder Keepers and Wardens. It is held every second Wednesday of the month at 9PM Sever Time.

    Healing Circles
  • A weekly clinic hosted by Keeper Lairina to offer healing services to those wounded or seeking aid. It is held every Wednesday at 8PM Sever Time. Locations rotating.
  • Edited by Tarhoof on 11/12/2015 7:43 AM PST
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    100 Tauren Druid
    =========World Keepers Lore=========

    Origins -- ((Wrath of the Lich King/Cataclysm))
      The World Keepers began out of the collaborative efforts of Rimblat Earthshatter of the Earthen Ring and Rayne of the Cenarian Circle: first in the Plaguelands and later in Northrend during the rise of the Lich King. Both served as the first Prime Keepers.

      The Shattering formalized this co-op of the Ring and the Circle under the title of the World Keepers. Shortly after the assault on the Firelands, the mantle of leadership passed on from Rimblat and Rayne to Char Blackstorm and Sath Skyspear. These two tauren led the Keepers through the events of the Cataclysm and into the land of Pandaria.

    Seeds of Doubt -- ((Mists of Pandaria))
      The malcontent stirring within the Horde under the leadership of Garrosh Hellscream fed into an overwhelming uncertainty in the minds of the Prime Keepers. In due time, both would remove themselves from Pandaria, and the World Keepers, returning to their duties on Kalimdor. Two Alliance members of the Keepers inherited the title of Prime Keepers: Thelgen Galehammer and Henric McCoy.

      The creeping sense of doubt soon took root in the minds of many Keepers who worked to mend these new lands in Pandaria. Particularly as the splintering within the Horde grew to a crescendo. This mounting threat of Hellscream’s ambitions proved too great a distraction for this negative influence, amplified by Sha exposure, to be properly dispelled from the ranks as tension between its Horde and Alliance members festered.

    Splintering and Reunification -- ((Siege of Orgrimmar))
      The group more or less began to truly crumble at the declaration of war by Hellscream and his “True Horde”. Both McCoy and Wildhammer have not been found since the Siege on Orgrimmar and it’s believed both perished. Leaderless, the World Keepers fell into dismay.

      Those loyal to the strength of shaman/druid cooperation remained, splintered but determined to uphold what the World Keepers stand for. Led by the young druid Tarhoof, the group reformed anew - small, but dedicated.

    Defenders of Worlds -- ((Warlords of Draenor -- Present))
      Since the reunification of the Horde under Warchief Vol’jin, the Keepers have dutifully continued to traverse Azeroth, lending their skills to quell threats and organizing her willing allies through the Verdant Gatherings. Following the breaching of the Dark Portal, these same efforts have since extended into Draenor.

      These efforts have resulted in everything from establishing communication with the Draenic Furies on behalf of Azerothian Shaman, to as far as initiating the purge of the Felblight in Tanaan Jungle by way of fungal-absorption -- a method proposed by the Cenarion Circle.

      The Keepers felt the Call to Elemental Arms: a bounty sought by four selfish elemental lords to obtain a powerful artifact in the possession of a Human. When the truth of the ordeal finally came to light, the Keepers agreed to help the formerly accused to dispatch an even greater threat when the time comes.
    Edited by Tarhoof on 8/8/2015 11:13 PM PDT
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    100 Human Paladin
    /bump for good folks and fellow RP guild.
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    90 Tauren Druid
    I love this guild and the folks in it. You made an excellent guild and so many events Tarhoof :)
    To World Keepers!! (Btw loved the rp last night)
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    100 Blood Elf Paladin
    A gentle bump for this amazing group. World Keeper events are amazing and if you are looking for a guild that is more Druid and Shaman centric this is the group for you. Tarhoof's events are spectacular and interactive with everyone that joins. Can't wait till the next event!
    Reply Quote
    100 Tauren Druid
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    100 Tauren Druid
    Reply Quote
    100 Tauren Druid
    Bump (and updated Guild Lore!)
    Reply Quote
    100 Tauren Druid
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    100 Night Elf Priest
    Hey, this looks really cool! :)
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    100 Human Paladin
    11/14/2015 07:37 AMPosted by Espavia
    Hey, this looks really cool! :)

    Indeed. Good group, good people, good events. Definitely recommended if you want to pop over on your Horde Leveling Game alt.
    Reply Quote
    100 Human Warrior
    11/14/2015 02:30 PMPosted by Arialynn
    11/14/2015 07:37 AMPosted by Espavia
    Hey, this looks really cool! :)

    Indeed. Good group, good people, good events. Definitely recommended if you want to pop over on your Horde Leveling Game alt.

    I second this. Great group of people to spend your time with.
    Reply Quote
    100 Tauren Druid
    Flattered by the support + recommendations, thank you guys! <3
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    100 Human Paladin

    Tarhoof is a FANTASTIC person who runs an incredible guild here on ER horde.
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