Dreaming.....(Letter misdelivered)

((The following is delivered by accident to whoever wants to reply to it.))

Hey there, long time no see!
It's a cold afternoon out here in Frostwall. Ayup. Got a few minutes, thought I'd send out a little hello.

I'm jest sitting on the rocks above my Garrison, whilin' away the hours dont'cha know. Just received a new shipment of juice from the farm back on Pandaria. Good stuff too, for some reason those apples them bears grow are the best I've ever tasted. I'mma be dropping it in the fermenter in the basement tonight, seems like the Garrison is permanently short on booze these days.

I mean I knew I'd have to keep a pretty hefty stock on hand, what with Thaelin stopping by every now and then for a pint, but dang if Phylarch and those two flippin' cats Leorajh and Goldmane don't put Dwarves and Pandaren alike to shame with their booze thirst.

Anyway, back on topic, toss that juice in some barrels, let it ferment for about a week or two, then run it through the still, I oughtta have enough hi-test to get me through till early spring. If I don't hire anymore cats that is.

The sky sure is clear tonight....the cold air of Frostfire is pretty amazing. Makes me miss my feathers something terrible. An'She's light, I miss them so much.... I don't even know why they don't work here, but I'm starting to think that fella Khadgar may something to do with it. I've known a lot of wizards in my time, and something about that guy just doesn't sit right.

Welp, time to get moving. Lots to do you know, the life of a Commander sure is busy, boring as all get out, but busy. Maybe I can find my way into one of them adventuring parties what're beatin' up the highmaul chumps (why didn't we try recruiting them again? We coulda used that power...), not holding out much hope though.

Annnnnd theres Zog, yelling about the ropes again. Stupid eejit, if he didn't want me to tie him to the top of the Inn nekkid, then he PROBABLY shoulda listened to me when I said the campfire was a bad place to store high value collateral from the campaign. Frigin nitwit. Now I gotta go laser his butt till he shuts up.

Anyway, hope this finds ya well, give my best to the crew, and write back when ya can.

Yours in Friendship: Plainswander
Edited by Plainswander on 1/15/2015 3:51 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
Dear Valued Customer,

Thank ya for gettin' in touch with our offices an' submitting a renewal for the Gender Bender 3000ex Energy Drink. As per your request you will receive several large shipments that will last ya until the early Spring. Your account has already been charged so don'cha worry about havin' ta pay for anything upon delivery. As a personal token of gratitude from us ta you every shipment will have a complimentary batch of Awesomefish eggs inside.

We appreciate ya business an' thank ya again for choosing the 3000ex for all of your gender bendin' needs.

Gender Bender HQ
Edited by Mormel on 1/17/2015 8:28 AM PST
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[[Plainswander opens the mysterios box that shows up in his Garrison later that day....]]

Huh...I din't order nuthin. Whatta we got here?

[[checks label]]

Genr'l Blender, enr'gy drink? Huh...label's a little smudged, but hey, nothin' like a lil' pick me up.....


....uh oh.....
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100 Goblin Warlock
And now the magical journey of Plainwandress can begin!

/cackles maniacally
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.......well I DO declare. Isn't this just the most PRECIOUS thing!
I think I'll chance my name to "Gardenprancer" and go join a monastery somewhere. Yes INDEED.
Hmmmm... I wonder if that dragon over by Theramore is still offering free body-swaps....
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100 Gnome Rogue
Ethel sat casually on a cliff ledge overlooking the goblin slums of Orgrimmar, the darkness of night mostly covering her presence. Her feet dangling over the ledge, she idle sifted through the night's loot. The life of a burglar was never easy, nor was it very often rewarding, but cunning and luck often enough kept the little thief's belly full.

The goblins, as much as she generally disliked the race (she'd never met a goblin she could trust), were a very industrious people. They had a way with machinery that, while crude, was often times quite effective. They also had the "market cornered" in the way of combustibles. They understood explosive compounds (in her experience) in ways that gnomes just didn't... generally speaking.

The night's looting had been fruitful. Spare parts, odds and ends, she could use to repair or upgrade the various mechanisms she utilized. On top of that she managed to get her hands on a few canisters of highly potent propellant. They'll fetch a fair price on the black markets.

Amid the loot was a letter. Slipping on her multi-phase gnomeTech goggles, she read it. Ethel couldn't help but smile beneath the high collar-mask she always wore. She didn't know this Plainswander, but she found a kinship in a few of the sentiments the writer had expressed. He also had a funny, if not strange, outlook on things such that it made her giggle.

Feeling inspired, she sifted through her pack to find her ink pen and a blank sheet. She'd decided to pen a reply.


You don't know me. I came across your letter by happenstance and felt inspired to reply. You sound like a busy fellow, as am I, so I'll be brief.
I sure would like to visit your garrison some time if for no other reason than to experience that view you described so vividly. Sitting atop that rock overlooking your garrison sounds so tranquil. A perfect escape.
I would also like to sample some of your brew if you'll oblige me. Growing up among the dwarfs of Ironforge has bestowed me with a fine appreciation for such beverages.

Kindest Regards,

The gnome signed her name with a flourish distinct amongst the gnomes, as was her habit. After including her mailing address below her name, she folded the letter and stuffed it away in her pack intent on sending it out as soon as she crossed paths with an AAMS courier.

At some point during her climb over Orgrimmar's walls, Plainswander's letter slipped out, likely finder its way into someone else's hands.
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