Turwinkle Talks with Bomi of Cenarion Circle!

56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a brand new episode of Turwinkle Talks, with special guest Bomi! We have a great time talking to her about her Role Play! We learn all about Bomi! We talk about her backstory, her roleplay style,a little about her in real life and some advice for you new and veteran role players out there!

So come and join us, won't you?

So grab a soda, some of your favorite snack and cuddle up to all the Turwinkle and Bomi! :D

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100 Draenei Paladin
I don't know how I missed this! I'll have to listen to it when I get home! Congratulations Bomi and thanks for stopping by Cenarion Circle once again Turwinkle.
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100 Human Rogue
How does Turwinkle pick people for this? I enjoyed it.
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