*Screams and throws daggers at the scary sound* Oh...wait it's only a hoot owl. Ahem.
100 Goblin Priest
*walks up, sets a cd player down on the table (of course there's a table, duh) and starts blasting loud dance mixes. She then climbs on the table and dances with the music*
01/06/2015 03:13 AMPosted by HarmarthRAAAAAAWWWWWWR!
"How ya doin', Rex?"
"Were you scared? Tell me, honestly."
"I was close to being scared that time."
"I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it. I think I'm just coming off as annoying."
01/06/2015 05:37 AMPosted by Ditzlewixx*walks up, sets a cd player down on the table (of course there's a table, duh) and starts blasting loud dance mixes. She then climbs on the table and dances with the music*
*Starts dancing with Ditzy while charging people for taking pictures*
Plainsgoober! Howdy doo to you son!
Not all who wander are plain.
*whistles a merry tune*
Omelettes anyone?
Omelettes anyone?
Mmh. If you're cooking.
-Rubs his neck, hunched over the counter. The growing head of ash threatens to plummet from his cigarette and into his oj.-
-Rubs his neck, hunched over the counter. The growing head of ash threatens to plummet from his cigarette and into his oj.-
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