made you look!
Still not making you waffles.
I can feel the love
*glares at Inic* How dare you cause me to click on this thread!!!
o/~ ...OMG there was this guy and he was like WHEEEEEEEEEE....
yo I saw R2D2 on the street and he was like WHEEEEEEEEE BLEEP
when you're a kid, and you wanna go WHEEEEEEEEEEE but you ain't got ***** yet,
you hold on for your life
hold on to your little ****** and strife..... o/~
yo I saw R2D2 on the street and he was like WHEEEEEEEEE BLEEP
when you're a kid, and you wanna go WHEEEEEEEEEEE but you ain't got ***** yet,
you hold on for your life
hold on to your little ****** and strife..... o/~
01/27/2015 03:52 PMPosted by Plainswandero/~ ...OMG there was this guy and he was like WHEEEEEEEEEE....
yo I saw R2D2 on the street and he was like WHEEEEEEEEE BLEEP
when you're a kid, and you wanna go WHEEEEEEEEEEE but you ain't got ***** yet,
you hold on for your life
hold on to your little ****** and strife..... o/~
I didn't know Tauren dropped acid, good for you expanding your mind!
Oh you kids today and you're not knowing what happened on the internet in the 90's and early oughts.
Go look up "threebrain" and the song "gonads and strife" on youtube. Better yet, here....
I will now return to Plainswander's brain.
Go look up "threebrain" and the song "gonads and strife" on youtube. Better yet, here....
I will now return to Plainswander's brain.
The !@#$ did I just read
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