Front-Line Sanctuary

100 Dwarf Shaman
Rhudran continued his preparations. He was so thankful for the bright glow of the Pale Lady, Draenor's giant moon; without it, he would have been forced to push his establishment even further into the chaos of the rest of the primal planet.

He supposed he should thank the Light for guiding him to this isolated Pilgrim's Shrine, as well. The Draenei didn't seem to mind, and the Orcs seemed to shy away from its soothing aura. This would make a fine chapel, indeed.

Some had seemed confused for its need, but Rhudran had seen heavy fighting before. Where the Church's men and women would fight and die, the Church would be loathe to abandon them. Even out here in an alien world, the warriors of the Alliance can rely on the Church to support them in these trying times.

((Okay, so there will be a new event coming up the first Wednesday of February. The Light and You is making space for the new Chapel Service on alternate Wednesdays!

There may be a brief sermon involved, but the nature of the Chapel is to tend to the needs of those who need inner peace in the struggle against all the threats of Draenor. I'm considering confessional, blessings, a chance for prayer and other things that the rough landscape of Draenor may not be able to offer. I thought about holding this at Karabor, but I actually found a gazebo west of Lunarfall that has no mobs near it, and even has Rested bonus and a Pilgrim's Shrine. If it's too small or unsuitable, I might move it.

This is an event to benefit those whose characters are, for whatever reason, staying on Draenor for an extended time, or the duration of the campaign. This is also for any members of the Church who want to volunteer their services as Templars and Priests alike. Suggestions on what to do for the event are welcome. Hope to see you there!))
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100 Dwarf Shaman
A message spreads through to the champions of the Church.

Brothers and Sisters in the Light,

I would request your assistance in protecting and supporting the new Moonlight Chapel near Lunarfall for its first services. Any who wish to serve may come; there will be need for warriors as well as priests.

Seek the abandoned Traveler's Shrine west of Lunarfall along the road to Telodor. I shall begin preparations at the seventeenth bell.

Cleric Rhudran

((I hadn't realized I never updated this with a time and a day! The first Chapel services will be Wed. February 4th starting at 6, with a pre-event meeting for any volunteers who want to help run the event. Chapel will continue two weeks later, and alternate with Genevra's The Light and You sermon event on Wednesdays. Hope to see you there! All are welcome!))
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