Looking to return home.

100 Draenei Mage
Hello CC residents!
I am a former member of the realm that left to go be a hardcore raider on Stormrage and for a while it was pretty fun. Now that all the smoke has cleared and I work twice as much as I did then I find myself missing my home server. I'm looking for a more casual guild experience with fun guild events like drunken raiding nights (do people still do stuff like this?) and some actual raiding in there as well if it can match up with my work schedule. I am open to RP as well although I've never tried it for fear of screwing up, huge lore junkie though! Above all I'm looking to find a family though; a place where I really feel like I belong for once. Thanks for reading and I hope to return to CC soon :3
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100 Gnome Priest
Hidy-ho there!

Allow me to be among the first to welcome you back to the glorious realm of Cenarion Circle. :) I sincerely hope you find that home and family you're seeking. I know there are several RP guilds that are very active and tight knit, and the RP community itself is very close and familial. We have one (possibly two) groups that raid fairly regularly, so I'm certain that you'll be able to find a spot somewhere.

Jump into our chat channel sometime and ask around. There are always people online (more so during peak hours) who are willing to lend a hand.

/join allianceooc

As for regular gameplay/raiding guilds, these exist as well though I am unaware of their prolificacy. Perhaps someone else will pop on and offer advice in this department.

Wherever the road takes you, Welcome Home! :)
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100 Draenei Shaman
I can vouch for Vivicaa, shes a great person and has a great personality.
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