Seated in his magical library near the courtyard of Shadowgarde Keep on Draenor, Rakeri Sputterspark smiled to himself as he read the latest in the war with the meddling elf; his seer kept his agents plied with news from Stormwind, including - much to his surprise - what sounded very much like a rejection of this idiot Warden's efforts to "rehabilitate" warlocks from no less a person than Genevra Stoneheardt. But this Warden...
The woman's a hypocrite, he thought. Anyone who's ever heard her rail against allowing the Highborne back into Darnassus will know that. Our friend Vendross would have some insights, no doubt... He suddenly had an idea. Vendross is listed as missing, not confirmed dead. What if...yes, it might just work! He stood from his armchair.
Nessa Steelspanner, his guard captain, entered and saluted. She was one of his most loyal acolytes, a warrior who defended Gnomeregan without any help from the Alliance, and had accepted that there would never be. She held up her own copy of the Stormwind paper. "Another web of lies from our friend in Darnassus?"
"Another web of lies, Captain. And she has the audacity to think she can send people into my fortress? Well, then, I suppose we will just need some more 'casualties' to write home about. Any night elves who attempt to enter this fortress' walls, kill them on the spot. We'll write back and say we lost them in another attack. She'll probably suspect, but let her. She tries to tangle with me, she'll learn the hard way what that means."
"Understood, Professor."
"And next time our goblin slaves decide to get any ideas that involve damn near destroying my workshop, tie them up and hold them in the barracks dungeons, and use them as sappers when we get a real Horde attack - Iron or otherwise."
Nessa grinned sadistically. "With pleasure."
Leaving the library, Rakeri went to the scribe's office and began to write...
The woman's a hypocrite, he thought. Anyone who's ever heard her rail against allowing the Highborne back into Darnassus will know that. Our friend Vendross would have some insights, no doubt... He suddenly had an idea. Vendross is listed as missing, not confirmed dead. What if...yes, it might just work! He stood from his armchair.
Nessa Steelspanner, his guard captain, entered and saluted. She was one of his most loyal acolytes, a warrior who defended Gnomeregan without any help from the Alliance, and had accepted that there would never be. She held up her own copy of the Stormwind paper. "Another web of lies from our friend in Darnassus?"
"Another web of lies, Captain. And she has the audacity to think she can send people into my fortress? Well, then, I suppose we will just need some more 'casualties' to write home about. Any night elves who attempt to enter this fortress' walls, kill them on the spot. We'll write back and say we lost them in another attack. She'll probably suspect, but let her. She tries to tangle with me, she'll learn the hard way what that means."
"Understood, Professor."
"And next time our goblin slaves decide to get any ideas that involve damn near destroying my workshop, tie them up and hold them in the barracks dungeons, and use them as sappers when we get a real Horde attack - Iron or otherwise."
Nessa grinned sadistically. "With pleasure."
Leaving the library, Rakeri went to the scribe's office and began to write...
Edited by Rakeri on 1/2/2015 8:53 PM PST