Summer Stock 2015

100 Pandaren Rogue
Too soon? Too snowy? Perhaps. But there's nothing like getting the planning done early...

The story's been chosen, and the script will be developed over the next couple of months. It's looking like there will be roles for 3 females, 2 males, a narrator, and two druids with flight form. Title to be revealed at a later date, when there's actually a title.

(For anyone curious about last year's play, the script is up on the DotOrg...somewhere. And somday a video may surface, too.

My big question for this year: would Alliance folk be interested in putting on a production as well? Irilin is interested in reaching out to the Alliance for the theatre art, if anyone would actually want to audition. Just wanted to see if there'd be enough interest for two casts, so everyone can enjoy the fun ^^
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82 Blood Elf Priest
<Pulls out the script from last year, offering Irilin a flawlessly perfected smile.>

Why hello there Master Playwright. I so enjoyed being a part of last year's performance and I would be more than happy <salacious wink> to do -whatever- I can to be part of this year's festivities.

<Wiggles the fingers of an exquisitely manicured hand.>

I'm sure I can come up with an even more enticing audition piece this year.

<Sashay. Sashay.>
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
The play from last year can be found here:

Yes there is a video (floating around at my house and needs posted (still... slacking... don't kill me) that will be posted in the near future.

If you didn't participate in this last year or get a chance to see it, you really missed out on some amazing things. Don't miss this one!
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100 Pandaren Rogue
<Pulls out the script from last year, offering Irilin a flawlessly perfected smile.>

Why hello there Master Playwright. I so enjoyed being a part of last year's performance and I would be more than happy <salacious wink> to do -whatever- I can to be part of this year's festivities.

<Wiggles the fingers of an exquisitely manicured hand.>

I'm sure I can come up with an even more enticing audition piece this year.

<Sashay. Sashay.>

o.O You'd think Kamdrin had never actually *met* Irilin...

02/03/2015 06:26 PMPosted by Trenetir
Yes there is a video (floating around at my house and needs posted (still... slacking... don't kill me) that will be posted in the near future.

I was totally being good and trying not to name names or anything!
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82 Blood Elf Priest
02/03/2015 07:14 PMPosted by Irilin
o.O You'd think Kamdrin had never actually *met* Irilin...

<A pause and a slight turn at the hips.>

Oh, my dearest Master Playwright. I know -all- about you. Nevertheless, I have quite a way about me. Perhaps I can persuade you to think along -new- lines. Hm?

<Eyelashes batted just once. A kiss to her fingertips, blown softly in his direction.>
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
02/03/2015 06:26 PMPosted by Trenetir
Yes there is a video (floating around at my house and needs posted (still... slacking... don't kill me) that will be posted in the near future.

*stares, mouth agape as she stammers*

Video, there’s a video!

*begins to turn a shade of red*

This… this… video is not to be released.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah! I wanna play Queen Azshara this time! I've even got the smexiest see-through dress in mind too!
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82 Blood Elf Priest
Darling Kuodo! Your performance was simply marvelous! You mustn't be ashamed of it. Why, I was rather jealous of your spectacular display. All of -my- most interesting scenes were simply implied. Yours, on the other hand, were stunningly bared before the audience.
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
. . .
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My Dear Irilin:

My experience with plays largely lies in writing them, not performing in them, but if you have a part for a troll woman of moderate years, I expect I could do it as well as any you might find. I have, after all, some experience in being many different things to many different people all at once.

Should diction be a concern, rest assured -- I can, at need, growl my gutturals as bluntly as any Draenor-born grunt. I do not as a matter of habit because it strains the jaw, and because I count a few consonants worthy sacrifice in exchange the musical lilt a Darkspear's linguistic habits lend the language. In short: I can speak the part, and without slurring, regardless of which language you use for the lines.

Of course, if I can be of any other assistance (other than financial -- the Library's straits are, I'm afraid, even more dire than my own), do let me know. I have a passionate interest in seeing the theatrical arts popularized on our Horde, and not just because it would improve my own sales!

But that, also.

Ever Yours,

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