01/30/2015 06:24 AMPosted by
Allelya What buildings do you guys put as your favs on your main(s)? (I have 2 mains but many alts)
What followers do you guys seem to prefer to level up and gear? (I'm having trouble deciding!)
What is your opinion on the current state of professions?
I consider Cail here as my main, though I actually tend to bounce between four or five "mains" depending on what I feel. Then I have an army of alts... regardless, Cail was my first to level.
As such I was careful to try and streamline his garrison as I leveled
(and for sometime afterward) to produce as many resources as possible. Lumber Mill with Tree-Druid Follower, Trading Post, relentless follower missions
(25 thanks to the barracks), and relentless exploration for hidden caches, rares, and the like. I put in the stables for those mounts. Eventually I noticed a strong steady trend of positive resource flow, so when I peaked about 6k I began to remodel and be adventurous. I replaced my Stables
(after getting all the mounts) with a Barn for savage bloods, leather, and fur for alt professions.
Shortly afterward I began leveling my other 4 "mains" and figured only one needed a t3 Barn, so I put it in on an alt and replaced Cail's with a Dwarven Bunker. Since I had such a steady flow of resources, and I was nearing the end of my renovation stage, I could justify dropping a few hundred
(20 per work order x 36 orders...do the math :P) in return for armor scraps and follower gear. I kept his Barracks for the bodyguard and the racial theme
(and because it looked neat!) and I kept the Trading Post for the resources and eventual Auction Bot. I also eventually replaced the Lumber Mill with a Tavern for the Follower Recruitment...and because it looked neat! :P
Cail has been an Engineer since inception so I put in the Engineer Hut. Across from it is my Storehouse (Bank, Gbank, Transmogers) and beside it is my Salvage Yard.
My relentless Follower Missions continued and in what seemed to be no-time nearly all of them were of "purple" quality. As soon as they hit 100 I began arming them with the upgrades I got from the Dwarven Bunker as well as the upgrades that dropped from the Salvage Crates that they brought back. Again, in no-time it seemed, more than half of my 25 follower team was 655 and I was getting Salvage Crates like crazy. Upgrades, Mog Items, and Gold galore!
Now, his Garrison has stabilized. Not only do I feel it's fitting for the character, but its very useful for my general needs. Cail's even swapped from Engineer to Scribe and the building swap has been very helpful, making profession leveling relatively fast, easy, fun :), and useful since everything I'm making can be either sold on the AH or used on myself or an alt.
On professions themselves, I'd agree that they feel rather thin. However, I feel for now they make up for it with their utility and ease of leveling. Again, swapping professions no longer means running through low level zones or AH hounding for materials and the gold for training. I can get it done in the Garrison making things I'll actually be using. Plus, I'm confident that this isn't a final state. They'll be adding and possibly tweaking the profs in later patches, so I'm not stressing it.
As for followers, I had no plan. Thanks to Mormel's comments I now have a better idea to work toward, but at the time I just upgraded them as they came. With the Tavern I've recruited for professionals, wanting to swap out certain followers for more "gnome flavored" followers... but again thanks to Mormel I'm rethinking my strategy.
As for the other bits, I agree it becomes a bit of a chore especially across multiple characters. I for one still rather enjoy it though. Coming off of MoP I had a full gambit of 90s with Ranches and I enjoyed rolling through each of their farms for an abundance of whatever I was farming, so I'm still having fun rolling through five garrisons doing maintenance. Lately I've been choosing to let them slide in favor for RP or running instances, but I can always come back to the picking herbs and mining ore to replenish stockpiles as needed. :)