Looking for a little help here after some fairly fruitless Googling around: does anyone know how to find out
A) which of our zones (as Cenarion Circle native characters) are shared by players from other servers, and
B) which servers we share those zones with?
I know we're connected with Sisters of Elune, which I think means that we share all zones seamlessly and are, in effect, one big server, right?
But then I also see people from other servers running around Silvermoon and Orgrimmar, and from even more servers out in the leveling zones in the old world, and I don't really have an idea where the boundaries are that will make those people vanish instantly, or make me vanish from their world.
Anyone have any idea how to find out? I'd like to do some of The Royal Library RP events out in the world where roleplayers from other servers can watch and participate, and I'd like to advertise the Silvermoon events to all the servers that have access to our Silvermoon, but I really don't have any idea how to find out which servers share which zones.
A) which of our zones (as Cenarion Circle native characters) are shared by players from other servers, and
B) which servers we share those zones with?
I know we're connected with Sisters of Elune, which I think means that we share all zones seamlessly and are, in effect, one big server, right?
But then I also see people from other servers running around Silvermoon and Orgrimmar, and from even more servers out in the leveling zones in the old world, and I don't really have an idea where the boundaries are that will make those people vanish instantly, or make me vanish from their world.
Anyone have any idea how to find out? I'd like to do some of The Royal Library RP events out in the world where roleplayers from other servers can watch and participate, and I'd like to advertise the Silvermoon events to all the servers that have access to our Silvermoon, but I really don't have any idea how to find out which servers share which zones.