Thinking of moving

100 Orc Warrior
Hello Cenarion Circle! I am an avid roleplayer and kinda bad PvP'er who is looking for a new realm since nothing is going on at my current server. So, if you could spare the time please tell me why Cenarion Circle is awesome! Thanks.
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100 Human Warrior
I've been here since the server's launch and I love it. In my opinion, the server RP is - for the most part - driven by scheduled, reoccurring events (See the sticky thread about events and guilds). We're a medium populated server, but our number's were bolstered a bit by being linked with Sisters of Elune, and I've met some great people from over there.

I can't speak about the PvP, as I hate WoW's PvP so I don't partake.
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100 Human Rogue
I PvP. Alliance side.

There's a few of us who are avid PvPers. Some are just casual, fun lovers. It's what you enjoy.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Welcome! CC/SoE is a very tight knit but friendly community with a pretty clear separation between the PVEers and RPers. Random RP is harder to come by but it is there if you know when and where to look. Most of our RP comes from events (some weekly, some monthly, and some unique) that while often hosted by a guild are not exclusive to that guild. Furthermore much of our friendships and networks seamlessly cross guild lines.

There is active PVP on both sides (I actually host a weekly PVP event Alli side) but the vast majority of it is casual. If you had any interest in rated PVP then it will be a tad bit harder to come up with a competitive team but it is doable.

I recommend making a temporary alt on the server during peak hours and joining our OOC channels. ( /AllianceOOC and /HordeOOC respectively) That will give you an opportunity to chat with RPers on the server and get a feel for our community. Attending one of our weekly events is also a good idea. For Horde I suggest the AAMS Lounge on Saturday 7pm Server at Hardwrench Hideaway. For Alliance the Conclave Sermon on Wednesdays 6pm server at the Gazeebo behind the Stormwind Cathedral.
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100 Human Priest
Hi, my name is Ketlan, and I'm role player and veeeeery casual PvPer. I've been on this server now for three years.

Hi, Ketlan.

I moved to CC because I've been a long time role player in other mediums, and the grind of the game by itself wasn't enough to hold my interest on my original home realms (on PvE, one PvP). CC wasn't the first place I tried out, but it was the first place that I found myself instantly surrounded by a welcoming community, thanks largely through things that have already been mentioned here: the OOC channels and the public events. Once I realized I was looking forward more toward my "rp" nights than my "game" nights, I paid to move Ketlan here to the server and I've been happy ever since.

CC/SoE is smaller than the other big names RP servers, but I like the community and how freely everyone interacts across guild lines. I think someone said it best when describing the OOC channels as a type of meta guild for RPers; the only reason some of my alts are in a guild at all was because I was helping contribute to the Cash Flow perk and leveling before they took that feature away. The upside of this means you can feel free to join a PvP guild and not feel excluded from the RP circles.

I hope to see you roll an alt and come chat with us! And then maybe you can join Mormel in killing me at Ashran :P
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Hey, some of us do PvE endgame and RP! You can do both! Although i don't PvP because it drives me up a wall, we're always happy to see new faces in the community. :D
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/07/2015 11:31 AMPosted by Braedorialai
Hey, some of us do PvE endgame and RP! You can do both!

I wasn't implying that RPers don't do end game PVE when I wrote that there is a separation. Rather the non-RP community "usually" respects us RPers and our events/chat channels by leaving us alone and vice versa.

02/07/2015 11:00 AMPosted by Ketlan
I hope to see you roll an alt and come chat with us! And then maybe you can join Mormel in killing me at Ashran :P

Speaking of that... mind race changing to a dwarf Ket? I need to work on my Nemesis quest >:3
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