<Hassen Uns> Recruiting for H BRF

100 Blood Elf Paladin
<Hassen Uns> (Hate Us) is recruiting

We are a new guild and are serious about Raiding and PVP.

Looking for RDPS and Healer for Heroic Progression Raid team.

Our core leadership has been raiding in another top raid guild since last expansion - so we have experience on our side.

Expectations of our raiders:

1) Gear Level of 650+ (we can help you get there)

2) Know your class - this means we expect you to know and execute your rotation; know what your DEF CDs are and when to execute them

3) Don't continue to stand in the same bad; We understand that standing in bad can happen, but it can't KEEP happening; Conversely, know where your dps/heal/tank spot is

4) Be raid ready; this means being gemmed/chanted, having seals BEFORE raid time and being able to be on time to raid (see schedule below); We will supply flasks if you don't have them

5) Have a thick skin. If you under-perform (stand in bad, bad positioning, poor dps, etc), you will be called out. We will help you as much as possible.

6) Have Mumble

We will learn fights together, but it is preferred that people at least read up on

planned boss fights.

At this point prospective raiders should know Heroic High Maul fights.

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
7PM to 9PM Server (Pacific Time)

We are also trying to put together an RBG team to run twice a week. For now, requirements are a bit less lax than above.

All others are welcome to join to hang out, swap into raids, come with us on gear up raids, or cheeve runs or just whatever.

Just be aware that our guild motto matches Star Lord's: "We are a bunch of total a-holes, but we are not 100% @%*@!%". This means there is a lot of teasing. Refer to #5 above.

If you like what you see above, have a good sense of humor, can laugh at yourself, and you also aren't 100% a @%*@!%!*, then contact me or Overboard-Cenarion Circle in game by in-game mail or /whisper.
Edited by Yasudra on 2/9/2015 5:50 PM PST
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100 Pandaren Monk
Looking for some RDPS. and a good raid healer. Looking to push through this tier of content.
Edited by Overboard on 2/8/2015 5:25 PM PST
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