Taken straight from her MRP profile. I'm rather delighted with how she's developed thus far and so I thought I'd share. Any friendly, helpful comments/suggestions are welcomed.
Feel free to share your own Character Profile, in any format you wish. :)
I'll be adding a few more characters to this thread shortly.
Jilli Ann Freeblink
Arcane Tinker
Clear Blue Eyes
Height: avg
Weight: avg
Age: yng-mid
Humming a soft melody…
However you'd describe her, Tink is a typical female gnome for her age and stature.
She could be considered quite attractive. Not a "neutrino-bomb of beauty" by any means, but rather fair to gaze upon.
Her hair and clothing is always in order, though not always clean or pressed. Wrinkles, dirt, and small stains, all evidence of her day's exploits if you look closely. Come the next day however you'll be hard pressed to find such evidence again despite appearing to wear the same outfit day in and day out.
She's tidy, perhaps with a little magical assistance.
Her voice is pitched high, squeaky, with a slight breathy -almost hoarse- quality. She also speaks with a light dwarven acsent.
“Necessity is the First Cousin of invention.”
Thelsamar, Loch Modan
Wetlands, Northern Modan
Tillitink Tendrawink Bixy-Blinkport Draxlecog is an accomplished tinker who also has a natural talent for magic. A family trait.
While working as a S.A.F.E. agent Tink studied at:
-The Ironforge Academy of Practical Magic and Sciences,
...where she studied the theoretical quantum-mechanations of Arcane Energy pursuant to Ley Lines with a minor focus on absorption, distribution, amplification, magnification, diffusion, and transference of said energies.
>Graduated with Honors.
She furthered her education at:
-The Stormwind University of Arcane Arts and Sciences,
...where she majored in Arcane Ley Line Networking, Portal Telemetry, and Theoretical Flex-Portal Mechanics. She minored in Internal Neuro-weave Core Systems (under Professor Blackwrench).
>Graduated with Distinguished Honors.
After surviving an occupational incident that turned her hair (and another's) white, Tink left S.A.F.E. to work for a time as an agent of G.E.T.
She's since reconnected with her mentor, Professor Blackwrench, and is now working as an Executive Officer at Gnomerian Industries.
While studying in Stormwind she adopted the moniker Jilli Ann Freeblink for the ease of her friends and classmates. To her closest friends she is simply known as Tink.
Known throughout the industry as an Arcane Tinker, she specializes in the modification and adaptation of mechanical-arcane constructs and configured sentience.
Survivor Assistance Facilitation Expedition
Gnomish Extraction Team
Apparent Sisters:
Ethel & Lilith
Feel free to share your own Character Profile, in any format you wish. :)
I'll be adding a few more characters to this thread shortly.
Edited by Tînk on 2/13/2015 2:29 AM PST