Character Profiles

93 Gnome Mage
Taken straight from her MRP profile. I'm rather delighted with how she's developed thus far and so I thought I'd share. Any friendly, helpful comments/suggestions are welcomed.

Jilli Ann Freeblink
Arcane Tinker

Clear Blue Eyes
Height: avg
Weight: avg
Age: yng-mid

Humming a soft melody…

However you'd describe her, Tink is a typical female gnome for her age and stature.

She could be considered quite attractive. Not a "neutrino-bomb of beauty" by any means, but rather fair to gaze upon.

Her hair and clothing is always in order, though not always clean or pressed. Wrinkles, dirt, and small stains, all evidence of her day's exploits if you look closely. Come the next day however you'll be hard pressed to find such evidence again despite appearing to wear the same outfit day in and day out.

She's tidy, perhaps with a little magical assistance.

Her voice is pitched high, squeaky, with a slight breathy -almost hoarse- quality. She also speaks with a light dwarven acsent.

“Necessity is the First Cousin of invention.”

Thelsamar, Loch Modan

Wetlands, Northern Modan

Tillitink Tendrawink Bixy-Blinkport Draxlecog is an accomplished tinker who also has a natural talent for magic. A family trait.

While working as a S.A.F.E. agent Tink studied at:
-The Ironforge Academy of Practical Magic and Sciences,
...where she studied the theoretical quantum-mechanations of Arcane Energy pursuant to Ley Lines with a minor focus on absorption, distribution, amplification, magnification, diffusion, and transference of said energies.
>Graduated with Honors.

She furthered her education at:
-The Stormwind University of Arcane Arts and Sciences,
...where she majored in Arcane Ley Line Networking, Portal Telemetry, and Theoretical Flex-Portal Mechanics. She minored in Internal Neuro-weave Core Systems (under Professor Blackwrench).
>Graduated with Distinguished Honors.

After surviving an occupational incident that turned her hair (and another's) white, Tink left S.A.F.E. to work for a time as an agent of G.E.T.

She's since reconnected with her mentor, Professor Blackwrench, and is now working as an Executive Officer at Gnomerian Industries.

While studying in Stormwind she adopted the moniker Jilli Ann Freeblink for the ease of her friends and classmates. To her closest friends she is simply known as Tink.

Known throughout the industry as an Arcane Tinker, she specializes in the modification and adaptation of mechanical-arcane constructs and configured sentience.

Survivor Assistance Facilitation Expedition
Gnomish Extraction Team

Apparent Sisters:
Ethel & Lilith

Feel free to share your own Character Profile, in any format you wish. :)
I'll be adding a few more characters to this thread shortly.
Edited by Tînk on 2/13/2015 2:29 AM PST
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100 Draenei Shaman
*highfives for G.E.T.!* This is great, by the way. I love learning more about everyone's characters. It's always so interesting to see what direction people take their backstories in, how complex (or not!) they are and what manner of education they note!
Love love love this, so much.
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93 Gnome Mage
Yay! Thank you Kety :) I've always liked learning about other characters too. Hopefully others feel so inspired to share a bit about themselves. Maybe even an update on their current affairs! It's always nice to see and be seen :D

And to that end I'm going to post up another MRP profile, since I referenced three of my other alts in the last.
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91 Gnome Monk
Nixim Henris Dibik Blackwrench
“no current nickname”
Master Tinker, Professor

Brown Eyes
Avg Height;
Avg Weight,
mid Age.

Performing maintenance...

Always has some sort of oil, grease, or dirt smudge on his person.

“Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.”

Thelsamar, Loch Modan

- ((unknown atm))

Owner/Proprietor of Gnomerian Workshop, located in Thelsamar, Loch Modan.

CEO of
Dibik Tinkering & Engineering
Henris Construction
Blackwrench Security
Gnomerian Industries
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100 Gnome Rogue
Burglar, Thief

Dark Eyes
Avg Height;
Avg Weight,
mid Age.


She is Mute.
...meaning she doesn't speak.
She can and does communicate with a type of sign language. She knows the common, gnomish, and "rogue" forms of this type of communication.

The collar she wears is wide enough to mask the lower half of her face from the tip of her nose to her shoulders, as it shows in the model.

Any glimpse of this part of her face will reveal horrific scars and a slightly deformed lower jaw. It looks as though she suffered a terrible accident in her youth that may have never healed correctly. Likely the cause of her inability to speak.




Once a very talented assassin.
She now works freelance as a skilled contract burglar and thief. If the price is right she'll do anything that doesn't involve murder.

((ICly still a member of the Assassin's League, however a discussion may need to be held about that seeing as how she is no longer a contract killer.))

Apparent Sisters:
Jillian & Lilith

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100 Gnome Warlock
This is one of two profiles I have set up for this character. She began as an innocent gnome named Lilith and has followed a path of fel corruption. I haven't really rp'd her to the extent that I'd like, so I'm toying with the dual identity idea so I can give her more face time and conflict.

This would be her "public" persona...once I get around to bringing her back into the public eye.

Lilith Felsoul
“the Bloody, the Imp”
…of the Black Harvest
House (Coven) of Grey Haze

Avg Height;
Avg Weight,
? Age.


Robes are old and tattered.

They reveal only portions of the form beneath, that of a hideously scared body, thin and sinewy appearing as if she had freshly stepped out of whatever hellish inferno charred her flesh.

She appears as though she ought to be in horrendous pain.

A darkness fills the eyes and brow beneath the head piece such that it seems to absorb all light. It's difficult to tell (even in bright light) if she even has any eyes. Only the tip of her nose and portions of her cheekbone, chin, and mouth are visible. All the rest of her features are covered by her dark wild hair, the headpiece, or obscured in some form by that unnatural darkness.

The single oculus at the center of her headpiece glows dimly with a purple/dark hue. At times wisps of energy discharge. Looking into the gem, it almost seems to stare right back at you.

Appearing very lithe and nimble, she moves with a harsh primal grace. Very deliberate.

The air around her immediately feels much warmer. Noxious fumes occasionally waft at her passing and when she speaks (or just breaths) letting a faint sulfur/brimstone odor to linger.





Within the circle (covens) of warlocks, a young eager black-haired gnome once frequented the Slaughtered Lamb. She kept to herself mostly, coming and going at odd times and always on a whim with little rhyme or reason. She hasn't been seen around in some time. No one knows what's become of her.

Outside the circle of warlocks, nothing is known. Such a creature has never been seen nor tied to anything that goes by the name of Raven.

Apparent Sisters:
Jillian & Ethel

Edited by Ravenblack on 2/13/2015 2:31 PM PST
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100 Gnome Warlock
Her second MRP profile. Raven is intended to be her villainous persona.

“the Black”
…of the Black Harvest
House (Coven) of Grey Haze

? Eyes
Avg Height;
Avg Weight,
? Age.


Robes are old and tattered, adorned at the shoulders and throughout with feathers as black as night. They reveal nothing of the form beneath. A darkness fills the hood that seems to absorb all light. Only portions of a charred black bone mask protrude.

She grunts and groans as she walks, always complaining and muttering to herself. Her voice harsh, cruel, and menacing. Usually hunched using her staff-scythe as support.

The air close around her immediately feels harsh. She radiates an unpleasant heat, charged with such energy that it seems she might suddenly combust. She wafts noxious fumes at her passing, always leaving a heavy sulfur/brimstone odor to linger.

“BRASHLY, you have dared to wrest the secrets of Raven the Black!”
((an ooc joke from MC :P))

Raven Hill

Grove of the Forgotten


Within the circle and covens of warlocks a tale is shared by some of a young eager black-haired gnome that once frequented the Slaughtered Lamb. She kept to herself, coming and going at odd times and always on a whim with little rhyme or reason. With each appearance her countenance changed slightly, becoming more foreboding and dangerous as the months passed. She hasn't been seen around for year. No one knows what's become of her.

Outside the circle of warlocks, little to nothing is known. Such a creature has never been seen nor tied to anything that goes by the name of Raven. Not yet anyway...

And that rounds it out for now. I have more, of course, but I'll wait a bit to post those.
As always, comments are welcomed. Please feel free to participate with your own profile (or series of profiles) if you wish! :D
Edited by Ravenblack on 2/13/2015 2:49 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
You can always share your profiles on the dotOrg


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