Adventurer's Journal - RP Community Resource

100 Human Hunter
Hail, Adventurers!

Adventurer’s Journal is a roleplay community resource aiming to put a spotlight on the characters and guilds that make our community great! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, a new character interview will be uploaded from both factions. Adventurer’s Journal exists as a platform for your characters to get out there and tell the community a little about themselves. It’s sort of a celebration of everything RP.

Additionally, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will highlight a new roleplay guild. This provides the guild with an opportunity to have a voice to help them recruit new members, as well as demonstrate their ability to create engaging, fun events.

Character Interviews and Guild Spotlights are conducted on all US roleplay servers. Each new wave of players and guilds will be represented by a new server every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

The most exciting feature about Adventurer’s Journal is the Podcast being uploaded every Saturday at 11am. The Adventurer’s Journal Podcast will be a dramatized reading of an existing roleplay guild’s event from a randomly picked server. The show will have the same vibe as old radio dramas.

Our first wave of content has been uploaded with two character interviews, as well as a guild spotlight.
The podcast is in production as we speak, and will see its inaugural episode uploaded this Saturday.

Adventurer’s Journal can be found here:

Follow Adventurer’s Journal on Twitter!

Thanks for stopping by and I’d love to hear back from everyone. Comments and criticisms are welcome!
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100 Draenei Shaman
Interesting, but isn't this what Turwinkle is already doing among the RP realms? Not that more exposure isn't a good thing! Do try to come around to the smaller realms regularly, it's a shame how often we're overlooked for huge realms like Wyrmrest and Moon Guard.
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100 Human Hunter

Thanks for your support. Turwinkle has been a fantastic community persona, and we couldn't agree more that expanded exposure would benefit the community.

We will be visiting a new RP server every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Adventurer's Journal plans to cycle through all US RP and RP-PVP realms.

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100 Human Hunter
Hail Adventurers!

Wednesday has arrived, which brings us new character interviews from the Feathermoon server, as well as the Scarlet Crusade server. Our guild spotlight for Wednesday is Sword and Quill, from the Feathermoon server. Thanks for reading.

Saturday heralds the arrival of our first ever Podcast, so stay tuned!

If you are interested in being featured on the website, follow the Adventurer's Journal Twitter here:

Safe Travels.
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100 Human Hunter
Hail Adventurers!

Adventurer's Journal has launched it's first podcast! It's been a learning experience. Episode one can be found here:

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100 Human Hunter
Good Morning Adventurers!

Another day, anther series of compelling stories coming from all across Warcraft's RP servers. Today's character and guild articles cover the Steamwheedle Cartel, Emerald Dream, and Ravenholdt servers respectively.

The Adventurer's Journal Podcast launched this past Friday, so come check it out if you haven't already!

You can find us here:

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100 Human Hunter
Good Morning Adventurers!

Wednesday brings a new round of character articles, as well as a guild spotlight. Today's represented servers are Earthen Ring, Silver Hand, and Wyrmrest Accord.

Check us out at!


Follow us on Twitter here:

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100 Human Hunter
Hail Adventurers!

Our apologies for the lack of content over the last few days. A new round of character and guild spotlights have surfaced on!

If you or anyone you know would be interested in being featured on Adventurer's Journal, drop us a line at!

Follow us on Twitter here:

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98 Night Elf Druid
You should come to the Lunar Ball tomorrow night! Just a suggestion =3
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100 Human Hunter
Good Evening Adventurer!

That sounds like a wonderful addition to the Podcast lineup to be honest.

Any details concerning the Lunar Ball would be most helpful!

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98 Night Elf Druid
"The Lunar Festival ball will be held west of the festival grounds (left on your minimap) on February 25th at 7:30 PM (PST). We will have food, liquor, and fireworks so that you can all get drunk and set yourselves on fire... and all of that good stuff. "
~ From the Lunar Festival Ball Thread

They usually set up a raid group to help people precisely locate the event. Just watch out for the pink cat. He can't be trusted.
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