[H] Yard Sailing

10 Orc Mage
Geymslu coughed as another plume of dust blossomed from the chest that she had hefted to the floor.

"What the fel.." she mumbled under her breath. Why the Cow had wanted all this stuff teleported to the Lodge's substantial storage vault was beyond her. Half of it, so she understood, were relics of old guild members, left behind long before the Longhouse in the Barrens had burned down. The other half was anyone's guess. At least the person who had cast the magic wards allowing an infinite expansion of rooms in a pocket dimension knew how to protect them from the destruction that was wrought on the main building.

Losing what little patience she'd pretended to start with, Geymslu took a dagger and unceremoniously slammed the lock from the front of the chest, throwing the lid back in a manner that would have beheaded a chest of lesser craftsmanship. She rummaged around in the chest's contents.

"This is...all...garbage!" she proclaimed, lifting what must have once been some sort of decorative robe. It was rather plain. "This would offer no protection to the person wearing it!" She held it out at arm's length, examining it. "It's not even that exquisite. It doesn't look bad, just nothing special." Setting the robe aside, she looked through what remained inside the trunk, finding similarly functional, marginally good looking, but hardly practical clothing.

Geymslu growled under her breath. "What exactly does the Cow want to do with all of this? I can't bring it to Jyn; I'd become the laughing stock of Thunder Bluff." As she gazed at the piles of clothes and sundry "weapons," she had a thought. Perhaps Jyn wouldn't want these items, but maybe someone else might...

Introducing: The Homeland Yard Sale
(Possibly becoming weekly, but just trying it out once for now)

  • Sunday, February 15th, 2pm server*
  • Where:
  • Beneath the windmill of the Homeland Lodge (second level of Thunder bluff, all the way in the back)
  • What:
    • A chance to look through the junk that guild banker Geymslu has decided is nothing more than clutter.
    • Everything priced reasonably (10% of the vendor price!)
    • All items are white or gray in quality, but equippable.
    • Some holiday clothing, and low-level tailoring items available.
    • Limited selection, first come first served, no duplicate items in a single sale.

    (The point isn't to make money off of this; it's more about creating RP opportunities. Also, you never know if that one piece of a RP outfit you're looking for will be there...there's almost always one piece of an outfit that's not moggable!)
    *In the event that the impending blizzard severs my electricity, this may need to be postponed.
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    10 Orc Mage
    ((Just a note: if it's still raining in Thunder Bluff when the time comes, the sale will be inside the lodge))
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