Stray [A-RP, open]

100 Worgen Hunter
Lorrik snorted shyly when she licked him, not used to people being that close to him. Sure, worgens had been accepted by the Alliance for some time now, but that didn't mean people ran up to hug them or even talk to them much. He blamed the teeth, and the claws.. and the ears, and the fur, and -- everything. He sighed to himself, then let his attention wander to Bremmin sifting through her collection. As she came up to him, he looked at the harp. His eyes got a bit rounder, much like a common puppy when looking at something wonderful. He tilted his head just a bit, his nose wiggling a tad. After a moment, he blinked and seemed to be back to normal.
"It's very beautiful, Bremm." he gave a soft smile, giving her paw a soft pat. He pulled from around his neck a small, broken silver locket from around his neck. "This is my favorite thing. It's not much, and it's in rough shape.. But it's much like your harp. Special in every way." he nodded, then slipped it back under his armor and shirt.
Lorrik lightly shook his head, as a normal dog would if something were near its ear. He'd never fully lost the 'feral' bit of the worgen curse. He was just glad he hadn't had any bad spasms as of late.
"Well, Bremm.. Is there anything else you do for fun around this city? Or do you just eat moths and prowl about roof tops?"
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98 Night Elf Druid
Bremmin straightened herself out and stretched languidly. Fun things? Wasn't everything fun? But she knew what Lorrik was meaning and smiled a feline smile. She knew a place that was always brimming with people and noises and news from the front lines! Better yet, it was on the grassy side of the city, with lots of things to eat.
With a flick of her tail, Bremm trotted off to the far end of the alley. She checked the streets for traffic (both ways, of course, lest she get trampled again) before making a right and travelling along a canal. She liked that about Stormwind; the canals. It reminded her of Darnassus, which reminded her of home.
Pausing now and again, so as not to lose sight of Lorrik, she made her way to the Mage Quarter. The dusky violet shingles and creamy limestone walls were her favorite part of Stormwind. Every inch of this section of the city tingled with magic. She could hear a troupe of novices training nearby, and sensed their murmured spells. Itchy waves rolled through her fur. She was sensitive to magic, and she (like others of her kind) wasn't the most...thrilled about the use of the Arcane so freely. But, that was their problem and not hers.
Following the cobbled path, Bremm brought them to the Blue Recluse. This was a favorite haunt of hers since coming to the Human lands. One never knew exactly what to expect once inside!
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100 Worgen Hunter
Lorrik followed her jingling as he tried to pay attention to where he was going. Not that it helped much, as he bumped into a draenei paladin by accident. He lowered his head and grumbled out an apology before jogging to catch back up with Bremmin. His ears burned and fut prickled as he heard the word "mutt" muttered from the blue man. Lorrik took a few moments and counted to ten, took a deep breath, then kept on after the druid. He slowed to a stop in front of the Blue Recluse. More people, he could hear and smell them.. And bubbly ale. He always got the hiccups when he drank..

Carefully, he rounded the corner into the tavern and held his breath. This experience would have been easier if he had switched to his human form. But, he was already here. And he was with a druid that didn't talk. He rubbed the side of his neck as he looked around. No one seemed to notice him. Not yet anyway. He shook out his fur and headed to find a seat. He went to a table by the corner and sat down, his ears back in anticipation.
"Yup.. Lots of fun to be had here.." he stifled an involuntary growl as best he could. He hated being so itchy around people. Wolf instincts may have saved his life, but they didn't help with making new friends. Most of the time, anyway..
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98 Night Elf Druid
Bremmin waited by the door patiently. She stretched herself out, slowly adjusting her form. Her joints crackled and she grimaced a bit. Fur and fang became skin and tooth. Patting her cheeks to banish the tingles, she turned and smiled at Lorrik. And she noticed how anxious he looked.
Smile dying, she shuffled closer and offered him her hand. She was tiny compared to Lorrik. Barely breaking six feet in height, Bremmin was small for her kind. And slender, even though her figure could hardly be called twiggy. She looked up into Lorrik's face with luminous, silver doe-eyes. Her bright, deep indigo locks fluttered free of their ties, feathering around her face.
She was both incredibly young and impossibly old. Caught between innocence and wisdom. All of her emotions were worn on her sleeve, yet her expression remained neutral somehow. Except for that wavering smile. A look of encouragement in the set of her brow.
She crooked a finger, beckoning for Lorrik to take her offered hand.
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100 Worgen Hunter
Lorrik twitched a tad as someone walked behind him, his canine lips quivering just a tad. It was shortly after that he realized he was being summoned by the cat, who now stood elf. His nostrils flared for a moment. Yes, it was still her. He stood and went to take her hand, but paused. His fingers gripped the air a few times. He felt as if he would snap her in half if he touched her. Where he had hardened claws for tearing and slicing, she had soft finger tips for holding and mending. His tough hide to her fragile skin. He ground his teeth and snorted. She knew what he was. She could handle herself. He took her hand, half minding his claws so they didn't press too hard into her skin.
"I'm not the best with people.. So I'm trusting you." he offered her a light, wolfish grin.
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98 Night Elf Druid
Bremmin's smile came back, like the Moon appearing from behind a cloud. She wrapped her slender fingers around one of his, gaily swinging her arm as she turned to lead the way inside. She bounced with every step, but made not a sound. The robes she wore caught the light from the guttering lanterns and shimmered an emerald green. Her silvery eyes picked up the color, turning a shade one could describe as peridot.
With expert ease, she moved between tables and around people, never touching anyone but Lorrik. She led him to a table in the back, away from the general bustle. Waving at the barkeep, she held up two fingers, then tapped her wrist once and her chest three times.
Ambrosia for two, she would pay.
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100 Worgen Hunter
Lorrik watched her bounce without sound. Lithe and happy, much different than himself. Where she touched no one, he constantly bumped shoulders and muttered some sort of apology here and there. The fur on the back of his neck began to bristle. Just when he thought he might lose the control over his wolf, she sat down at a more remote table. He smiled gratitude, then sat down across from her. He tilted his head as she brought the barkeep over. He had no idea what she motioned , so he leaned on the table top, his eyes bouncing around to the people nearby. His jaw muscles tightened, then he flattened his ears and looked across to Bremm.
"I'm warning you now.. I get the hiccups more times than not when I drink." He slumped his shoulders a bit. It was a bit embarrassing, but he would live.
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98 Night Elf Druid
Bremmin covered her mouth to hide her silent giggle. She didn't drink very often, and she knew how troublesome those hiccups could be. But the ambrosia at the Recluse was smooth and went well with just about everything. She fidgeted with her shinies while they waited for their drinks, a bad habit she just wouldn't give up.
Noticing Lorrik's discomfort, Bremm waved to get his attention, then mimed writing. It would be better to converse than to worry about all the peoples in the pub. Hopefully she wouldn't mangle the language too badly. She brought out a writing board given to her by a very generous Draenei woman. It was absolutely priceless. Too bad it was too big to hang from a string!
[ Wut yu du n sihte? ] she asked, her child-like scrawl barely legible.
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100 Worgen Hunter
Lorrik watched her scribble something out, then tilted his head, as if it would help him read. "What do I do in the city.." he mumbled to himself, then straightened. "I'm here on business. I escort shipments of valuables from point A to point B.. Pretty mundane stuff." He shrugged, pressing two of his claws into the wood of the table. "And what about you? You don't seem like the type to live in a city. And all your charms seem to be from all over." he slowly started to relax, trying his best to drown out all the noise. That was a perk of having a friend that didn't speak. He could block out everything and not miss what she was saying. The muscles in his jaw slacked, and his eyes softened a bit.
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98 Night Elf Druid
Bremmin bounced in her seat. So, he traveled too, what a coincidence! She wondered how dangerous was, and if hr had ever gone so far as the worlds beyond the big doorway in the red, demon-infested lands to the East. She had so many questions, it was hard to decide which to ask next.
You don't seem like the type to live in a city.
Well, no, that was true enough. She loved the wildlands and the forests of Kalimdor. Roaming the vast spaces where peoples were scarce and Nature yet ruled. She was at home anywhere and everywhere. Except those nasty places where the harmony had been leeched away. Like the forests North of her former home.
She considered his questions, and marked her answers in order.
[ I - I trahvul tu. II - Sihte noht so bahd. Wudz betr. III - Yehs. Ahl ovr. ]
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100 Worgen Hunter
Lorrik couldn't help but laugh softly at her excited bounces. Again, it was the little things that excited her. He started to wonder why he wasn't like that. In fact, he was rarely this relaxed. Rarely this happy in the company of others. Sure, a few close friends could joke around and drink with him, even go on some sort of wild goose chase or exploration. But this seemed to calm his wolf self. The wolf that was always growling and snapping at things. He hadn't even had a snarl fit since he'd been around her. He guessed it was because she was a druid, more in touch with her animal self than her elven one, it seemed.

As he read the board, he smiled a bit. "No.. I guess the city isn't that bad.. I just don't like all the people." he shrugged, digging a claw into a groove in the table. He stiffened a tad as another worgen ambled into the the tavern. This one laughed and swayed as it tripped up the steps to the tables on the second floor. Lorrik cracked his neck and shook his fur out, trying to keep from bristling a tad. He was forever glad he took the curse, but it would always be a challenge. "Out of all the places you've been, do you have a favorite? Mine would either be Nagrand, a huge grassy place in the Outland, or.." he thought for a minute, claws tapping the table. "Hilsbrad, and the Alterac Mountains." he nodded slightly, mind wondering for only a moment. "Less people. More space." he grinned wolfishly.
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98 Night Elf Druid
Bremmin's attention was stolen for a moment by the bustle of nearby patrons. Her long ears swayed as she cocked her head to the side, trying to stay focused on the conversation at hand. It was actually easier for her to ignore the clamor of peoples than say, crickets and birds. Funny how things worked out like that sometimes.
She blinked at the mention of Outlands. She'd never been there herself, but she'd heard a lot about it. There was something about traveling to alien worlds that made her skin crawl. She wasn't much a fan of portals either. They made her sick to her stomach.
Hillsbrad, on the other hand, she was quite familiar with. She'd been there for a stretch of Moons once, before heading North into the Plaguelands. Though, she couldn't remember why. Just that it was very long ago and someone had been with her. A frown crossed her lips as she tried to dredge up the memory, her eyes far away.
A little shake of her head brought Bremmin back to the present, and she tapped her stylus against her chin in thought. A favorite place? Well, there was always home, even though it was gone now. Admittedly, there were other places that captured her imagination in ways that Auberdine never had.
[ Plas cahld Drem Bowh? Ahkros se in Kalmdohr. Noht saf fohr lohng tim buht saf nohw. ]
[ I noht no ohv Nahgrnd. Mab se wohn da? ]
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100 Worgen Hunter
He watched as she seemed to zone out for a moment. He knew what that was like.. Memories, shreds of a life long past that demand attention. As she drew back to the here and now, Lorrik gave her a soft smile. At the mention of Dream Bough, he nodded. "Yes. I've been around that area. Definitely open spaces with less people and more.. Feral things." he chuckled a tad.

"As far as Nagrand," Lorrik rested his elbows on the table, "If you ever want to go, I could take you." He fished from a small pouch tied to his forearm a curious vial with sand inside. "This helps me get shipments and people transported a bit more effectively." He nodded, toying with the small golden dragon charm dangling around the cork before slipping it back to it's hiding place. "Could easily carry you through the Outlands." he nodded, then glanced around the tavern. "I've asked a bulk of the questions lately. Have any for me?" he looked back to the elf, his disposition roughly ten times calmer than it was when they first arrived.
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98 Night Elf Druid
Bremmin oogled the vial for a moment, entranced by the amount of power it emanated. She drew back, fingers to her lips, a little distressed. Peoples should be careful about the sort of trinkets they come across. What was wrong with good old Hippogryph flight and staying on Azeroth? But, no, everything was portals and potions, aliens and alien worlds.
She sighed.
[ Wihl se yu ahgn, yehs? Mun ahmost gohn, tim tu slep fohr me. ]
This she scribbled hesitantly, afraid he'd say no. She knew that business men and heroes were busy people, and it was asking a lot for him to devote any amount of time to her. Silly. She was being silly. But she enjoyed Lorrik's company. He understood what she was trying to say better than anyone else she'd met so far.
And he didn't smell funny, like the pinkish-white cat.
She waited with her had bowed, twiddling her thumbs nervously. She really was tired, as she didn't normally stay awake into the daylight hours. Elune guided her rhythms, and when the Moon set, so would she, until the next night.
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100 Worgen Hunter
Watching her reaction to the sand vial had him curious. He always wondered what she was thinking. Raw thoughts, images and feelings before they became words written down on a pad. Being around this mute druid put his mind at ease. It was like his very being was at home, even in a place he normally would shy from. He hadn't felt a calm like this since..
Lorrik ground his teeth, instantly shedding all thoughts. As she wrote on the board, he tilted his head, nose twitching a tad in curiosity. His ears drooped a tad, but he understood. All good things must come to an end at some point. He smiled softly. "Of course you'll see me again. I normally work out of Stormwind or Iron Forge." He gently took the board, writing his name on the corner so she wouldn't forget how to spell it.
"If you can't find me, you can always write me." he nodded, setting the board down. He stood, shaking out his fur. His armor clattered softly. He tore a scrap form his tabard, then tapped his nose. "You can also find me this way. I may not always be around, but I'm never far away." He shrugged. "All else fails, you could always kill that moth again. I'm sure I'd get an ear full not long after." He chuckled, ruffling her hair a bit. He left the scrap of cloth on the table, then turned.

He made it almost to the door before a drunk gnome grabbed his arm for balance. Lorrik's ears perked, his eyes widened, and his fur stood on end. He snarled and pulled his arm back in such a way that the gnome landed on a table top a few feet away. He snorted, mumbling something about manners before he popped his neck and exited the tavern.

((we can dismiss it here or keep going, all up to you bremm :) ))
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98 Night Elf Druid
((Just trying to allow for the passage of time and in-game RP =3 ))

Bremmin held the scrap of cloth, running her thumbs over it. Then she tucked it away and strapped her talking-board back to her thigh. She jingled as she rose, brushing herself out of habit rather than need. Her eyes widened as the poor, drunken gnome went sailing across the pub. And poor Lorrik, so unused to all these people.
It was her fault, she was the one who wanted to come here.
Head hung low, she left the Blue Recluse and headed back to a quiet spot she knew. Pink rays blossomed over the ocean, and the cry of the gulls harkened the new day. Hair became fur and feet became paws. The last few moonbeams glistened like dewdrops in her coat as she curled up for the day.
She knew the nightmares were waiting for her, but she had a friend to return to when the Moon was back.
A friend.
Bremmin smiled a kitty-cat smile and drifted off to sleep with a purr.
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100 Worgen Hunter
It had been nearly a month since Lorrik left the Lunar Festival Ball. He was abruptly called back to his garrison to tend to a few problems, then out on a shipment with his paladin business partner. After a short downtime mending a dislocated shoulder, he ambled back to Stormwind. He went to his normal place, the Pig and Whistle Tavern in Old Town. People hardly stopped by, it seemed. The low traffic was perfect for him. He sat in the corner of the second floor loft, drinking a light ale. His plate was clean, the rare-cooked mutton sitting easily in his stomach. The sun had just gone down, and the night life of the city slowly crept from the shadows. His bulky armor rested in his room, a sleeveless shirt and a comfortable pair of pants aiding his fur in keeping him warm.

After half his ale was gone, and his hiccups subsided, he made his way to the cobblestone streets. The starts twinkled above, and the cool breeze ruffled his black fur. He walked as quietly as he could, thickly furred paws muffling any sound except the soft tap of his claws. He walked through the Dwarven District and down the steps that lead out to a farm. He stopped before he reached Olivia's Pond, taking the slight ramp to sit on one of the large rocks near the small waterfall. He breathed deep, not minding the small grumbles and growls that climbed up through his throat. No one was around these parts at night, no one to hide from, no one to notice the worgen who couldn't keep quiet. He looked at the stars and moon on an exhale, tilting his head. His blue eyes got a bit wider, his light growls getting a tad louder, and longer. He shook his head with a snort before any howls managed to escape.

Lorrik sighed, calmer now with a full belly and most people off drinking or dancing the night away. He listened to the crickets chirp, the rabbits scamper about, and a few cows rustle about in the farm across the lake. He shifted, leaning back against a larger rock, and closed his eyes. He imagined all the small creatures he heard, enjoying the small bit of nature nestled away in the large city.

((I can change the timeline if you like. Doesn't have to be so far in the future or what have you. :3 ))
Edited by Lorrik on 2/25/2015 11:29 PM PST
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