Scholar (IC Newspaper LF submissions A&H)

100 Human Paladin
Scholar: A publication of Key Press and Locket Publishing is now accepting submissions. Are you a journalist? Do you have an opinion to share? Something to sell? Looking to buy? Well Scholar is the publication for you.

Scholar is a non-partisan publication serving both the Horde and Alliance edited by Penelope Parchment the archivist of Conclave.

Are you a writer? Do you have a news story to share? Or a personal one? Are you looking to post a classified? Or perhaps share your opinion? Please share it with us and we will share it with everyone.

What: Scholar: A publication of Key Press and Locket Publishing - a news publication for both Horde and Alliance.

When: We hope weekly if not, then bi-weekly

Please submit your articles/classifieds and letters to
Edited by Genevra on 3/8/2015 6:22 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
The old gnome flipped through the well worn pages of his notebook. One of several he's been storing in a simple box at his Ironforge estate, this particular tome was nearly filled to its capacity with a mish-mash of hand scribbled notes pertaining to his most recent studies. He wasn't certain, not yet, but the old gnome felt like he was on the verge of discovering something big and he couldn't think of a better place to share his findings with other interested parties than through Conclave's own newspaper, Scholar.

He pressed back into his chair deep within the Conclave Vaults below Northshire Abbey. His current research sprawled across yet another table. He sighed heavily, longing with tired eyes and a sore neck the relaxing smell of the salty coast. The feel of his rod in hand. The sound of the reel as he cast his line out into the deep unknown.

He grinned with another thought.

Perhaps, if I can't actually be there on the shore then I can at least share a fishing tale or two. The thought excited him. Yes, I'll submit a small anecdote of an adventure complete with a hand drawn map, chart, and a bit of information for the aspiring angler.

The ends of his gray frizzled mustache curled as he grinned.
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100 Undead Priest
*submits Ad and crawls back into her box*
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah! More ways ta promote the B&B! I better finish that add page of belf men in skimpy outfits.
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100 Goblin Mage
belf men in skimpy outfits? ummm need someone to review that add Mormel?
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27 Blood Elf Hunter
Need a blood elf man to pose for that ad?

If the money is decent...
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93 Gnome Mage
Glinwick Inkblast stood patiently outside the steel pneumatic door. One arm curled around a neatly stacked bundle of files, note pads, and assorted paperwork, the even tempered gnome lifted her free hand and solidly depressed the blue button on the panel of blinking lights beside the door. She drew a steady even breath and moments after depressing the button the door slid smoothly to one side to the faint sound of air pistons firing. -Psss-

Inside the room opened to a large subterranean office space. In the middle stood a large heavy desk with organized piles of papers spread across its surface. Behind it sat her boss, Executive Officer of Operations and Resources Jilli Ann Freeblink. Her white hair was braided and worn tight to her head as two coiled buns. She spoke rather casually, a slight twinkle in her eye and smirk on her lips, to the image displayed upon a wide rectangle of imaging glass that floated near.

Freeblink stifled a giggle. "Of course, Nixi dearest! I'll get it done right away."

The image, that of a middle-aged balding gnome with a full brown mustache and green goggles, appeared flustered at being called 'dearest'. He looked to be preparing a scolding retort when with the a casual gesture from Freeblink the image faded and the floating imaging glass drifted back across the room to settle on a wall mounting.

"Ms. Freeblink. I have those records you requested." Inkblast said coldly.

Freeblink scooted in her wheeled chair down the length of the desk, gesturing to a vacant section of her desktop. "Put them here please."

As Inkblast moved across the room small devices (fashioned of a strange hybrid of mechanical and magic) were tirelessly at work sorting through the piles of paperwork, stacking, stamping, folding, and doing the many menial tasks Ms. Freeblink would otherwise be doing. Some of the devices were stationary, a few moved freely along tracks or with legs of their own, and still others levitated under their own power zipping this way and that throughout the expanse of the office.

Glinwick Inkblast moved casually through the chaos without an incident, learning long ago to just ignore their complex choreography. She place the files as directed and stood with her back straight, hands clasped behind her back.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Ms. Freeblink?"

Several panes of imaging glass floated around the white haired gnome. She considered each in turn, interacting with their changing graphical displays. "Yes, Inkblast. I need to you submit two advertisements and a classified to the Scholar newspaper."

"Do you want them to say anything particular?"

"Not really. Short and simple." Freeblink shrugged.
"I leave the technical intellectual-tempest designing for you and your interns." Freeblink tapped on one floating screen then switched to another. The others shifted positions to remain within Freeblink's view.

"An ad for Henris Consulting. An ad for Dibik Engineering, and an add in the classifieds for Gnomerian Industries."

"Hiring again, ma'm?"

Freeblink nodded. "With expansion comes jobs and the need for the talent to fill them."

"Indeed, ma'm. I'll meet with the marketing department right way."
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100 Dwarf Paladin
*bumps into thread*
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100 Human Paladin
[[We are nearly ready to publish our first issue! Just looking for a few more news articles, particularly somethings from the Horde.]]
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100 Goblin Warlock
((I'll try to get something to you tomorrow Gen.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/15/2015 01:20 PMPosted by Swizelle
belf men in skimpy outfits? ummm need someone to review that add Mormel?


02/15/2015 04:12 PMPosted by Sanlazuril
Need a blood elf man to pose for that ad?

If the money is decent...

And yes. :3
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100 Gnome Priest
With the first issue released we have an updated URL for submissions. We would like to have one out each Sunday and are currently hiring: see our advertisement in this week's issue.

You can submit your articles/letter to the editor/classifieds/etc here:

You can contact me in game for a job if interested.

For those who have submitted ads/classifieds if you would like them to continue running you can either send an in game mail or just submit another submission and say something like: continue to run until x date or some such.
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100 Goblin Warlock
((You can run the Gender Bender Zero ad for the rest of March. I also might have another submission or two for you but I'll process those through the Scholar site.))
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If only I could lift a pen with these gnarled up tree fingers...

*glances at a nearby squirrel*

YOU! You will be my writer. Drop the nuts, grab a quill, ink, and parchment, and I shall shock the world with my ramblings!

*watches as the squirrel flees in terror*

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100 Gnome Priest
03/10/2015 03:20 PMPosted by Finnaeus
Drop the nuts, grab a quill

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100 Gnome Priest
We are still hiring!

Photographers Wanted: Alliance
Writers Wanted: Both factions
Cartoonist Wanted: Both factions

As always it is relatively easy to submit your news story, classified, want ad, letter to the editor, etc via our website:
Edited by Jimmy on 6/3/2015 1:44 PM PDT
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