Fanfiction. Thar be ships ahoy!

100 Human Rogue
If you could make a fanfiction romance story between two characters you know, who would it be? Why? Is it silly or do you think it could actually happen?

I personally would love to see some fanfiction about Rakeri and Sprocketeer. Don't ask why. I just want it.
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100 Gnome Priest
Oooo, that's a good one. Rakeri and Sprocketeer.
They'd end up killing each other.
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100 Human Warrior
Arlston and Foravin. ;)
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100 Goblin Warlock
Zurom and Swizelle. :3
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93 Human Death Knight
Little known fact, (not known by anybody) but a book about a certain Draenei bartender and a hapless gnome patron is in the works. Their undefined love blossoms into the most beautiful, epic tale any love-starved moron-- I mean, person, could ever read. Here's an excerpt.

Ani Nook raises the quill, it's feather brushing the side of her cheek as the gnome known only as Uorr struts in. A body sculpted like a statue formed by an art god, the liveliest pink hair bounces up and down, reminding Ani Nook of the most romantic, albeit vulgar things she wished could happen between them.

The love is forbidden though, for her heart belongs to another, paid at the price of a measly two-hundred and thirty-eight gold. Garsenlith stands nearby, her would be "Warden-lover." He holds the key to the belt of her innocence, waiting until the fateful day her innocence is unlocked. Though undeniably handsome and skilled at the art of archery, he could never truly satisfy a woman, especially one as lustful as Ani Nook.

Uorr doesn't express his unfathomable desire for the draenei, almost as if there's no connection between the pair but the unseen yearning grows deeper within their hearts with each passing second. The spark they have would ignite the bar she owns if it weren't for the magical wards protecting it... But elsewhere, a fire burns.
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100 Worgen Rogue
...Does it count if it's not entirely "fiction" within the context or RP?

Because I miss Suni/Vectus
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100 Worgen Warlock
02/14/2015 06:59 PMPosted by Arlston
I personally would love to see some fanfiction about Rakeri and Sprocketeer. Don't ask why. I just want it.

Keep dreaming, O Emperor of Monosyllables.
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100 Draenei Shaman
Gentyl and Abominus. People keep teasing about it, so it needs to happen. Also, Harmarth and Khromie!
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100 Draenei Mage
02/15/2015 02:37 AMPosted by Ketyrü
Gentyl and Abominus. People keep teasing about it, so it needs to happen.

All of the this.
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02/15/2015 03:09 AMPosted by Zaranae
02/15/2015 02:37 AMPosted by Ketyrü
Gentyl and Abominus. People keep teasing about it, so it needs to happen.

There once was a near wedding between the two if I remember right. It almost happened, but after much objection and bloodshed, the wedding was "called off"
Edited by Rose on 2/15/2015 5:08 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/14/2015 11:43 PMPosted by Slithengar
Little known fact, (not known by anybody) but a book about a certain Draenei bartender and a hapless gnome patron is in the works. Their undefined love blossoms into the most beautiful, epic tale any love-starved moron-- I mean, person, could ever read. Here's an excerpt.

Ani Nook raises the quill, it's feather brushing the side of her cheek as the gnome known only as Uorr struts in. A body sculpted like a statue formed by an art god, the liveliest pink hair bounces up and down, reminding Ani Nook of the most romantic, albeit vulgar things she wished could happen between them.

The love is forbidden though, for her heart belongs to another, paid at the price of a measly two-hundred and thirty-eight gold. Garsenlith stands nearby, her would be "Warden-lover." He holds the key to the belt of her innocence, waiting until the fateful day her innocence is unlocked. Though undeniably handsome and skilled at the art of archery, he could never truly satisfy a woman, especially one as lustful as Ani Nook.

Uorr doesn't express his unfathomable desire for the draenei, almost as if there's no connection between the pair but the unseen yearning grows deeper within their hearts with each passing second. The spark they have would ignite the bar she owns if it weren't for the magical wards protecting it... But elsewhere, a fire burns.

<Dies laughing>
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100 Draenei Warrior
02/14/2015 11:43 PMPosted by Slithengar
Little known fact, (not known by anybody) but a book about a certain Draenei bartender and a hapless gnome patron is in the works. Their undefined love blossoms into the most beautiful, epic tale any love-starved moron-- I mean, person, could ever read. Here's an excerpt.

Ani Nook raises the quill, it's feather brushing the side of her cheek as the gnome known only as Uorr struts in. A body sculpted like a statue formed by an art god, the liveliest pink hair bounces up and down, reminding Ani Nook of the most romantic, albeit vulgar things she wished could happen between them.

The love is forbidden though, for her heart belongs to another, paid at the price of a measly two-hundred and thirty-eight gold. Garsenlith stands nearby, her would be "Warden-lover." He holds the key to the belt of her innocence, waiting until the fateful day her innocence is unlocked. Though undeniably handsome and skilled at the art of archery, he could never truly satisfy a woman, especially one as lustful as Ani Nook.

Uorr doesn't express his unfathomable desire for the draenei, almost as if there's no connection between the pair but the unseen yearning grows deeper within their hearts with each passing second. The spark they have would ignite the bar she owns if it weren't for the magical wards protecting it... But elsewhere, a fire burns.

<Dies laughing>

. . .
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/14/2015 07:58 PMPosted by Foravin
Arlston and Foravin. ;)

No, after last night's RP there should be a ménage à trois between Arlston, Kordrion and Lini.
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100 Human Priest
*glares at Azheira*


*then glares at Kordrion, Arlston, and Lini*
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100 Human Rogue
Orwyn and Khromie
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/15/2015 12:01 PMPosted by Ketlan
*glares at Azheira*


*then glares at Kordrion, Arlston, and Lini*

Hey! Lini was just an innocent bystander. I blame Arlston and Kordrion for the entire thing.
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100 Human Rogue
02/15/2015 12:07 PMPosted by Azheira
Hey! Lini was just an innocent bystander. I blame Arlston and Kordrion for the entire thing.

I am very good at hitting my targets.

I've studied anatomy.
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100 Draenei Warrior
Two characters? Tyvian and Aribet
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
02/15/2015 12:17 PMPosted by Noikona
Two characters? Tyvian and Aribet

Okay. I will admit I laughed pretty hard at that one.

Might be difficult to pull off though. They've never even met.
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100 Draenei Warrior
02/15/2015 01:10 PMPosted by Azheira
Might be difficult to pull off though. They've never even met.

Love at first sight! XD
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