[OOC] Looking for RP on CC

100 Blood Elf Mage
Hey Cenarion Circle,

I moved my main RP toon to CC a few months ago, but I've really been having a hard time finding RP. I have a friend who moved with me, and we've been RPing together, but we would like to interact with others, too. We've tried looking for guilds, but they all seem to be inactive. Now that I've been looking on the forums, it seems like scheduled events are the most common here, but I can't find a list of any events Horde-side that seem updated. The last update on the sticky says 3/14. You all seem like very nice people, and I'd love to RP with you!

So basically...
1) What are some Horde RP events coming up that I could join in on?
2) What are the names of some active RP guilds?
Edited by Lithliana on 2/15/2015 10:44 AM PST
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
There is, in fact, an event happening this very afternoon!


There are other things happening throughout the week. There is AAMS Lounge night on Saturdays and Da Doctas' clinic on Tuesdays. I am sure the respective leaders of those events will be popping into this thread soon enough to mention them. But I would also like to mention that people have started gathering at the Wyvern's Tail in Orgrimmar recently for some RP. I have not been able to make it there myself yet as my character is IC'ly in a bit of trouble in Draenor, however I will try to bring another character soon.

Good luck and I hope to see you seen. :)
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Thank you so much! I'll definitely be at that event, possibly with my friend as well.

I've looked in the Wyvern's Tail a few times, but I guess I have bad timing. Next time I'm there, I'll probably say something on /hordeooc.
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If you're not in the /hordeooc channel, join it. People announce planned RP events there shortly before they happen, and you can always ask if there's any random, walk-up type RP going on any time you log in or feel the urge.

You can also speak up in-character in the /hearthstone channel, and the more people do, the more use it gets! Never be afraid to be the first.
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100 Goblin Shaman

There are other things happening throughout the week. There is AAMS Lounge night on Saturdays and Da Doctas' clinic on Tuesdays. I am sure the respective leaders of those events will be popping into this thread soon enough to mention them.

Lounge Hostess and AAMS Alliance GM checking in! I've been gone all day or else I would have said hello sooner... though I've noticed Brae's already snuck in a hello elsewhere. :) However, it seems that all the most important information has already been posted! Glad to have new people aboard.

See ya 'round!
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100 Goblin Warlock

Looks like most everything has been mentioned so I'll throw out a few active RP guilds that I know of.

Royal Library
The Wayfarer's Coterie
Da Doctas
The Broken House

I'm sure there are more but those come immediately to my mind.
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The Royal Library, Mormel. The definite article is how you know we're important!

(Don't blame me. It's an elf thing.)
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100 Undead Priest

You forgot the Church of Inverted Dawn. I am currently interviewing candidates to sign our charter, but we *do* exist. We are looking for Forsaken in particular, but lesser races can possibly make it through our rigorous process.

Shadows Grace,
Sister Clottia
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100 Undead Warrior
*skitters madly*

More deliciousss elf angssst juice for Abominusss, yesss?

*flees from the firebombs*
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/16/2015 09:25 AMPosted by Arjah
The Royal Library, Mormel. The definite article is how you know we're important!

(Don't blame me. It's an elf thing.)

Sorry granny trolly :( I always forget which guilds officially have a "the" in front of them. Only one I can remember for sure is the All Alliance Monopoly Smugglers.

02/16/2015 10:32 AMPosted by Clottia

You forgot the Church of Inverted Dawn. I am currently interviewing candidates to sign our charter, but we *do* exist. We are looking for Forsaken in particular, but lesser races can possibly make it through our rigorous process.

Shadows Grace,
Sister Clottia

A church ya say? Sounds... profitable :3
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100 Gnome Priest
02/16/2015 09:25 AMPosted by Arjah
The Royal Library, Mormel. The definite article is how you know we're important!

(Don't blame me. It's an elf thing.)

So what does that say about Conclave?


And that's the Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service, Mormel. Don't make me go singing our jingle at you!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Gnome biscuits! Not the jingle! :(
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100 Undead Warrior
We demand the jingle, yesss!
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100 Tauren Shaman
Hey! I am not really from your realm but Wyrmrest Accord and Cenarion Circle are in cross realm zones, I am pretty sure if you ever visit SMC you should be able to find some cross-realm RP with us, I have rp'd with a few CCers a while back. So give SMC a try! (Try the inns, murder row or market exchange area)

(May be the same case for TB and other locations)
Edited by Kug on 2/18/2015 5:39 PM PST
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