The Road of Good Intentions

100 Draenei Paladin
((This story is an offshoot of one I originally wrote about my Horde paladin meeting Zeph. I hope you enjoy it))

The place was familiar but not. Half remembered from happy childhood dreams, yet shifted- distorted without being necessarily twisted. A rock out of place, or a tree missing a limb it shouldn’t be. It was home. But it was not.

She sighed and leaned with her back against a tree, watching the clouds form and travel across the sky. The talbuk she’d tamed grazed peacefully beside her. They were within spitting distance of the outpost, out of sight perhaps, but if she concentrated, she could hear the workmen replacing the timber walls with stone, the ringing of the blacksmith, and all the other commotion she had sought to get away from.

Why am I here? Is it even right that I am here? This is not my Draenor. Her hands traced the edge of her crystalline claymore as she thought. What difference can a lone knight make? She frowned. She was fairly certain her parents were already dead in this world. Her analogue had either never existed or perished alongside them. What is there to change here? Is this world fated to be lost too?

Hoofbeats carried across the still air. They came at a quick canter. She tilted her head, as these were horse hooves, not clefthoof or talbuk that most natives of this world used. An outsider? Riding quickly. She stood and reached for her claymore, more out of habit than a feeling of danger. When the rider came into view, she needed more than a few moments to recognize her.

A Blood Knight, armored in black and red and astride a red-barded charger. The elf dismounted with a grace characteristic of her race. The dismount carried into a bow that somehow managed to insult and convey respect at the same time.

“Dame Zephilyn.” The blood elf smiled and sneered at once. “Ruminating on our place in the universe are we?” The blood knight showed her empty hands, emphasizing that the only threat was to Zephilyn’s ego.

She flushed slightly as the barb struck home. “Know yourself. Know your enemy. A thousand battles a thousand victories.” She spat back. She and the blood elf had trained together once. It seemed like so long ago.

Approaching with her hands at her hips, the dark armored knight laughed. “Very good. Your vindicator kinsman are rubbing off on you.” She paused, just out of swordreach and looked the Draenei up and down. “I can see in your stance and the quality of your armor that you’ve become skilled. How many Iron Horde did you fight at the portal? My kinsman says five at once, but I think perhaps more.”

Zephilyn shrugged. “As many as it took to get off the steps.” She paused again. “I lost count after five.” Her right hand closed on the grip of her claymore, left perched on her hip. Zephilyn met the blood elf’s gaze angrily. “You came for a reason? I find it hard to believe you traveled all this way to simply deliver an insult.”

The blood knight nodded and retrieved a tabard from her saddlebags. In a fluid motion she tossed it to the Draenei. It was the black and gold of the Shattered Sun. Vindicators, Blood Knights, Mages, and Priests. An order that had come together to re-take the Sunwell.

“You look for a cause, Draenei? The Shattered Sun came together to defend Quel’Thalas, to put my people back together. Now, we ride for your Shattrath.” The blood knight nodded to the tabard and then swung her legs over her mount effortlessly. “The question is, my little goat-girl. Are you up for the party?” A mocking laugh trailed through the air as the blood elf spurred her mount.

Zephilyn ground her teeth as she watched her depart. Miserable wretch. UP for the party? I’ve got something I can jam UP... She took a deep breath, fighting back the rising anger. Be mastered OF your mind rather than mastered BY your mind. Aureious’ saying came to her unbidden. A few more moments and she had centered herself enough to rationally think on what just happened.

She’s got a point. They’re my people out there. Other world or not. The Legion’s still the Legion. And someone has to make a stand. She lingered there for a few more hours. If she were truly honest with herself, a good portion of her wait was to avoid giving the blood knight a victory
Finally, hefting her claymore, she set down the path that led to Shattrath. One knight by herself would make little difference. But an order, an alliance even, could turn the tide. Besides, I’m not going to let that smarmy wench have all the fun.
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100 Draenei Mage
(( "My little goat-girl" :P I think I like this elf.

Really looking forward to reading more of your stories! ))
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100 Draenei Paladin
((Thank you for the kind words, Zara. I'll see what I can come up with as far as continuing the story of Zeph and the Blood Knight)).
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100 Night Elf Druid
*wields the carp of approval and whaps Zephilyn with it
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100 Gnome Priest
*returns to see if anything new is added*
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100 Draenei Paladin
She leaned back against the side of the building, exhausted. Her helmet lay to one side of her, claymore to the other. Tentatively, she ate dried strips of talbuk that tasted like boot leather and a soup of what was allegedly clefthoof meat. Zephilyn doubted the last, unless clefthoof had evolved tentacles when she wasn’t watching. Every soldier complains about their food. At least it’s comforting to know we Draenei are not that different. She smiled ruefully as a blood elf nearby fished a tooth out of the soup and held it up for closer inspection.

Their eyes met for a moment. Zephilyn simply shrugged, as if to say, “I didn’t cook it.” She then pantomimed using the acidic soup to polish her armor. The two shared a chuckle before going back to the “meal”.

Off in the distance, the defense crystals fired at projectiles launched from the harbor below. A staccato beat of explosions broke the peace of the rest area. She’d just come back off the line. Off of a steady twelve hours of fighting the demons and traitors.

The lines were holding, if barely. And we’d never have held without those elves, much as it hurts to admit it. They may be pretty, prideful, and arrogant, but they fight. “We have to find some way to turn the tide. There must be a way to strike them. If we keep fighting just to defend what we have they will grind us under.”, she said thoughtfully to herself.

“I would suggest feeding them this food. I would think they would surrender within the hour. But that is probably not practical.” Zephilyn jumped at the answer to her question. Her “friend”, Blood Knight Dawnpath, stood a pair of paces away, setting down an empty soup bowl.

“Come on goat-girl. Finish up your gruel. I have an idea, and sadly there is no assistance more competent than you to carry it out.”

Zephilyn bristled at the barb, rising and snatching her claymore up off the ground. “I am Draenei. Not a goat, you overpreened twig.”

Seeing her remark strike home, the Blood Knight smirked in her way and simply said, “Save that anger for the Legion. They insult your people far worse than I. Follow me.” Zephilyn stalked after her, muttering under her breath.
Edited by Zephilyn on 3/9/2015 10:09 AM PDT
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