Mythic Highmaul.

100 Tauren Shaman
(This post is Out-of-Character)

Hey guys! Rahlekk here! I'll cut to the chase here. As Mythic raiding only allows for a group on the same server, I'm asking here!

I know that Cenarion Circle's raiding isn't going to be as "hardcore" as some other servers, but I'm looking to form a group for Mythic Highmaul! I think it's best that we go for 10 man, as I don't know how many people I can find, but you never know!

I'd say that a good iLvL would be around 670. Of course, that's just what I think, so it's up for debate of course!

Anyways, please let me know. :) All roles would be needed, but for 10 man we'd do 2 tanks, 3 healers, and 5 DPS.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
Mythic is 20 man only
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