[A] Seeking a guild for my friends and I

100 Worgen Rogue
A little over a month ago a small group of friends and myself swapped factions from Horde to Alliance as a sort of "fresh start." We have been guildless for this duration of time, and are putting out a few feelers to see what we can find that matches us. We have not raided THIS expansion, but we have a solid skill set and did quite well in Wrath and Cataclysm, at the equivalent of Heroic/Mythic difficulty (by current standards).

We are a group of people in our 30s, some with kids as well. Generally speaking, we are not available for much of Friday or Saturday, and may show up on Sunday nights. Monday - Thursday is when we are around the most, on average. We are in the EST/CST time zones. I believe that SoE/Cen runs on PSt which works in our favor.

What we essentially seek with a guild is one that is pretty mature, without a lot of loot drama. We would enjoy being part of a "casual" progression raid (if such a thing exists!). We don't religiously play the game, but when we do, we like to play well. Some of use are also interested in PVP, so that's a nice fit. And basically, just having some decent folks around.

If there is anyone that would like to chat, I can be found on my Mellios (SoE) toon the most. Go ahead and shoot me a whisper if you'd like!
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100 Human Warrior
What does "much of Saturday" mean?

We're actually looking for some DPS folks for our guild, and you sound like you'd fit in well (based on how you described yourselves)! The only problem is that our raid time is 7:30 EST on Saturday nights (4:30 ST).

EDIT: We spoke in game, and I'm sorry that it won't work out! Good luck finding a guild!
Edited by Alaria on 2/26/2015 8:24 PM PST
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