Looking for a good RP guild

I'm bored, my guild is dead, and endless walkup RP gets old. I've heard from several people that Cenarion Circle is an insanely friendly realm, so I want to give it a try. Tomorrow when heirlooms get cheap, I'll be rolling an Orc Warrior, and I'll need a guild. RP is my main focus, but I'll gladly do some casual raiding and PvP when I have the time.
Edited by Xalgoz on 2/23/2015 2:03 PM PST
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100 Undead Priest
((Try looking at Doomguard. Also, there is a sticky that has all the various RP guilds listed. Good luck and welcome. Oh, and join /HordeOOC and /Hearthstone. The first is self explanatory and the second is the RP channel that could use more voices.))
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Can't believe I didn't see that thread.
Edited by Xalgoz on 2/23/2015 5:46 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock

Clottia has given you good info so I only want to add one thing. The guild you join is less important here than on other servers. That's because so much of our RP is event based and, more importantly, these events are usually attended by a multitude of different guilds. Thus I also recommend you check out one or two of our weekly events to help get a feel for our community.

The event I am a regular at is the AAMS Lounge on Saturdays at Hardwrench Hideaway 7pm server time. However there are also events in Org on Tuesdays and TB on Sundays.
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That's awesome! Sounds like this server has a really great community. Looking forward to RPing with everyone.
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100 Human Mage
Although you're not joining Alliance side, Xalgoz, I just want to say you've made the right choice. Cenarion Circle is as friendly as you've heard. As Mormel told you, it hardly even matters what guild you join here. We play well together so no matter what guild you're part of, you'll get to experience them all.
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