03/06/2015 10:25 AMPosted by
Ketiron Whatever you've been smokin' in that peace pipe of yours, you might wanna lay off a bit...
..."peace pipe"? What the.... now see here fella, that're down right speciesist. It's true, I'm a lover, not a fighter, but I ain't had nuthin to do with that dang "peace pipe" nonsense in ages. You wanna smoke something,
go ask a shaman.
Sheesh, it's like ain't even been payin attention to nuthin. I'm a DRUID kiddo, if I'm to be gettin' silly off anything, it're gonna be arcane mixture of al the elements - not just fire and smoke.
Y'know, something delicate, and elegant, and DISTILLED.
Why ya THINK I got all these Pandas in my Garrison?
Damn elfs. Always jumpin ta conclusions....
Archturkey Plainswander
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