Looking for a new home

96 Blood Elf Rogue
Hey, folks. Rumor has it Cenarion Circle is a pretty awesome RP server, so I thought I'd swing by and check into things. I've been playing on WrA since it's beginning and it's time for a change of scenery. Any decent casual-medium RP/PvE guilds I should look into? How's the RP here?

Thanks for your time!
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100 Goblin Shaman
I'm happy to say I've seen a recent upswing in the number of RPers joining us Hordeside, though it's still a bit slow. We're also connected to Sisters of Elune, which has so far been a very happy merger. We're also CRZ'd in a lot of areas with WrA, MG, and other realms.

RP on CC is currently mostly event based, due to our smaller population, but it's open to anyone who wants to stop by. RP guilds are useful, but not a requirement; cross-guild RP is very common and encouraged. We're slowly moving back into Orgrimmar and the Wyvern's Tail as a place to hang out for random RP and walk-up when there's not an event going on, and we have a global /HordeOOC channel we use to find other people to RP with and just for a lot of general chatting :) We're active mostly in the late afternoon and evening hours.

The AAMS, Das Doctas, Modas il Toralar, and Homeland I believe are the oldest active RP guilds around; the AAMS runs an open Lounge night in Hardwrench Hideaway on Saturdays at 7pm. Das Doctas has a Tuesday Clinic in Orgrimmar, also at 7pm, and an SoE guild hosts a story telling even in Thunder Bluff on Sundays at 5pm server... I may have the time wrong on that last one...

We have a sticky on this forum that has info on those guilds. Doomguard is a new RP guild that is doing well and is currently recruiting that I don't believe is on the sticky list yet.

There are several other guilds I know I am neglecting to mention because I tend to pay more attention to someone's name than guild tag. >>

I highly suggest rolling a trial toon and checking us out during the hours you'd normally play. Nothing beats actually stopping by and saying hello!
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
Thanks for your reply! I couldn't have asked for a better, more educated response. :D
Edited by Soluthos on 3/1/2015 4:18 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
Well... usually I like to add something when replying to these posts but Kezzy hit the ball out of the park.

Hmmm... ummm.... erm...

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100 Goblin Shaman
We've been getting a lot of practice lately with people inquiring in the forums. Not that I'm complaining ;)
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30 Orc Warrior
Everyone on this forum seems quite nice, but I've got to level 30 without seeing one single other person on CC in game. Every last one of them is from Sisters of Elune. Every single guild in the guild finder is from Sisters of Elune.
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100 Goblin Warlock
That's odd. Normally you see more CC folks since it is a more populated "server" than SoE. Don't worry though. They are all out there.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
It is a bit of a wildfire. The more rp you see and hear about, the more you want to participate. It all starts with a cold approach. Reach out! Make a bit of time. Engage.

You'll be -deeply- rewarded.
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