The Wayfarer's Raidery Needs You!

The raid wing of the Wayfarer's Coterie is looking for a few good raiders, friends, and players to join the raid team! If you can handle fun, insanity, and a heavy, heavy dose of puns, please inquire within. We're looking to carve a swath out of Heroic Blackrock Foundry, so try and have gear close to the minimum required to get into the place. Informations!

Raid times:
Tues - Thurs 6-9 Server

In need of the following:

1ish Tank (with a comfort with DPS as offspec should we have too many tanks)
1ish Healer (with a comfort with DPS as offspec should I get jealous of your healing skills)
Severals DPS (with a comfort with DPS as offspec as that is your job)

Stocked on Disc Priests so unfortunately that's a no go.

If you have any questions, please direct them to me! Either in forum or in game is fine. The WfC as a guild is all about good character, good fun, and good progressions, so if you can be a fun team player as well as a fun person to be around, please inquire!
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**looks wistfully at your schedule**
**sighs heavily**
**walks away**
Edited by Plainswander on 3/11/2015 4:06 PM PDT
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