Made of Star Stuff
(Cenarion Circle-US)
Last updated 2015-02-07
Hello! I’m Alaria, senior raid leader of <Made of Star Stuff>, and the purpose of this thread is to find some more people to join our guild on Cenarion Circle-US! We are a small, casual, social guild of raiders, PvPers, and roleplayers, most of whom are adults, and we are looking to find some more people to shore up our raid team.
We are not now and will probably never be a cutting edge, realm-first guild, and we only raid one night a week on Saturdays, when most of us have the time available. Due to college and intensive work projects, we weren’t able to get started raiding until almost a month after Highmaul came out, but we’re looking to add some more awesome people and keep going. We’re a pretty quirky bunch, and pretty laid back about stuff, and we’ve also been known to run old content for mounts, transmog, and achievements from time to time.
Our raid time is Saturday at 7:30 EST, and we usually keep going for three hours with a five wipe policy (five serious wipes per boss per difficulty per night), or no more than half an hour on a single boss. We use personal loot for progression raiding, and we’re going to be starting Blackrock Foundry the week that this is posted.
If you’re interested in joining us, send an email to made (dot) of (dot) star (dot) stuff (dot) wowcc (at) gmail (dot) com, and one of the officers will follow up to make sure that we’re the right guild for you.
Thanks, and have a good day!
(Cenarion Circle-US)
Last updated 2015-02-07
Hello! I’m Alaria, senior raid leader of <Made of Star Stuff>, and the purpose of this thread is to find some more people to join our guild on Cenarion Circle-US! We are a small, casual, social guild of raiders, PvPers, and roleplayers, most of whom are adults, and we are looking to find some more people to shore up our raid team.
We are not now and will probably never be a cutting edge, realm-first guild, and we only raid one night a week on Saturdays, when most of us have the time available. Due to college and intensive work projects, we weren’t able to get started raiding until almost a month after Highmaul came out, but we’re looking to add some more awesome people and keep going. We’re a pretty quirky bunch, and pretty laid back about stuff, and we’ve also been known to run old content for mounts, transmog, and achievements from time to time.
Our raid time is Saturday at 7:30 EST, and we usually keep going for three hours with a five wipe policy (five serious wipes per boss per difficulty per night), or no more than half an hour on a single boss. We use personal loot for progression raiding, and we’re going to be starting Blackrock Foundry the week that this is posted.
If you’re interested in joining us, send an email to made (dot) of (dot) star (dot) stuff (dot) wowcc (at) gmail (dot) com, and one of the officers will follow up to make sure that we’re the right guild for you.
Thanks, and have a good day!