[H] Transfer Student LF Answers & Guild

100 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm sure you get this type of threads all the time on a RP realm but anyway stay awhile and listen! lol

Hey Cenarion Circle lately I was thinking of moving my Orc Warrior into a RP community to try out something I haven't tried so far in WoW, RP.

I've not RP'd in what seems like 10 years and that was back when DnD with pen and paper was still a popular past time so I may be a bit rusty around the edges when it comes to RP.

After reading through some of the guides written by more dedicated RPer I learned quite a lot and found answers to some of the things I've been wondering about. As for the questions that still plagues me, well that's what I really want to ask the community directly so I hope you will bear with me even if you get these questions all the time from random noobs who are curious about the RP community.

I've learned through the Why of RP thread that making a character with any form of relations to canon NPC is frowned upon by the community and there is a high chance that the most fitting punishment for such criminal actions would be to either to meet a demise at the chopping block or burned at the stake (RP style! lol ).

Now I have a Orc Warrior named Saurfang and some fitting PvP titles to go with it from doing RBGs back during MoP. My question is would importing my warrior here as he is, be greatly frowned upon? Even if I were to create a extensive backstory of who he is and how he is related to Varok as a distant relative? If possible I'd like to keep the name without making any changes to it because I've had it since WoTLK and well... selfishness at it's best who wouldn't want to keep Saurfang as their name lol ^^;;

As for my experiences so far, I've done my share of raiding throughout Wrath, MoP and currently I'm easing my way through Highmaul Heroic/Mythic as well as BrF Normal/Heroic. As far as PvP is concerned I am well versed in 2's, 3's and RBG as a melee dps especially on my warrior.

If there is anything I loved more than PvE and PvP I think I could confidently say that I am fascinated by the lore of WoW and would like to take this chance to explore through it by sending my warrior here in Cenarion Circle.

I am happy to keep my warrior as a Orc Warrior so would like to find a guild I can happily call my new home. I'm looking for a guild that are leaning more towards Orcs/Trolls and Taurens but if there is a good home for my warrior I wouldn't mind joining any others as long as you are happy to have someone who hasn't RP'd for awhile and may make noob mistakes from time to time.
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100 Goblin Warlock

First of all CC/SoE is very event based and those events are almost always frequented by people from a multitude of different guilds, not all of them even RP guilds. Thus the guild you join is less important here than on other servers because the RP community is largely networked on friendships and individual reputation rather than guild tags.

Second of all there are many different types of RPers in WoW and it is important to keep that in mind. While CC/SoE certainly tends to draw a specific crop of RPers the reality is, at the end of the day, what is "acceptable" for characters is dictated entirely by the people you choose to interact with. For example, while one segment of the community might frown upon RPing a dragon another portion will have no issue with it.

With the above in mind while I think your char's name might raise a few eyebrows (we actually had a thread a few months back about thoughts on RP naming conventions) I believe most would not mind it, especially if you present it correctly. By that I mean don't have your char be the real Saurfang or something. Your idea of him being a distant relative would work fine and so would him just happening to have the same name (or even being named in honor of him if your warrior is young). It could easily be turned into an interesting "hook" of people IC being shocked by his name.

Anyway, there are numerous guilds out there and you can see many of them in the RP Guild/Event sticky at the top of the forum page. I'd also recommend joining the HordeOOC chat channel which is where a lot of our RPers tend to hang out. We regularly have weekly Horde RP events on Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday. I frequent the AAMS Lounge on Saturday 7pm server at Hardwrench Hideaway. We've also been trying to turn the Wyvern's Tail inn in Orgrimmar as an RP hangout spot where people can announce in the OOC channel they are going if anyone wants random RP.

Finally... and most importantly I must strongly stress that we are a small server compared to places like Moonguard and Wyrmwrest Accord. Walkup RP really only happens in crz areas like Silvermoon and you won't see many people on outside of peak server hours in the evenings. Just keep that in mind and I hope this helps.
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