Sunday Scholar [A-H IC Newspaper First Issue]

100 Gnome Priest
Jimmy J. Jameson paced the offices of Scholar in Ratchet. It was an ambitious project, creating and publishing a newspaper for both Horde and Alliance but with the last months work done, it was finally finished: The first issue of Scholar.

Issues were distributed to all major Horde, Alliance and Neutral cities. Jimmy J. Jameson sat at his desk reading the first issue, "Not too shabby."

[[OOC: The first issue of Scholar an In Character Newspaper for both Horde and Alliance has been published and can be found here: ]]
Edited by Jimmy on 3/8/2015 5:48 PM PDT
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91 Goblin Rogue
Copies passed through mage portals to the bases on Ashran, and from there to the garrisons and outposts across Draenor. One such reached the fortress of Saavedar, in the frozen deserts of Frostfire Ridge.

Kitrik, its chief engineer, is having his morning coffee while he reads the paper - and spits it across the room as he comes to a certain article. His outraged yells can be heard from his engineering shop by all in the fortress walls.

"What is this crap?!"
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100 Goblin Warlock
"Gnome biscuits! How dare they say a goblin is really a gnome!? That's like... the worst thin' evar!"

*Goes off to Orgrimmar to look up this "gnome"*
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100 Undead Priest
The Sister sits on the post box in the Undercity whipping her head to and fro[/i]

"I have yet to hear from the AAMS. I have yet to receive post regarding my classified. Can it be that not a single child is in need of the Light? Yes, they may have raised large gold for the orphanage recently, but I am the only one who cares about each little one...."

Her voice trails off as Sister Clottia slips into a vivid memory of Stormwind.
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