Too much stuff... CALL THE AAMS!

Plainswander stared at the piles and stacks and mounds and teetering-catastrophes-waiting-to-happen that filled up his Storehouse.
Since he'd set up his own logistics and supply station in his Garrison, he'd been forced to admit that he might just have a bit of a throughput problem. That is to say, he had a lot of stuff.

The intermittent traders passing through had been something of a help, but their schedule was erratic, their offerings were limited, and their attitude was ... well ... abysmal is putting it mildly. "You'll buy what we're selling and LIKE IT, if you have any complaints, SHOVE IT" seemed to be their response to any serious customer inquiry.

The end result was that between his constant missions, his usual habits of spending his time out in the world doing things, and his usual production systems in the garrison, Plainswander had managed to accrue a truly prodigious hoard of materials. The fish alone were starting to overflow the cellars, to say nothing of the random pieces of equipment, leathers, ores, and herbs.

"What'n the nine hells am I s'posed ta DO with all this here anyway?" he muttered, sorting though it al in a somewhat perfunctory manner. "Can't vendor half it, the other halfs fer fashion, and we know how important THAT is....and...dang..what's this fer? I didn't know I still HAD that.."

It was all, frankly, quite overwhelming. A classic case of too many assets, and not enough capital. Plains was many things, but a financial expert was definitely not one of them.

But then the big druid had an epiphany. Something those Ethereal traders always said to him... "You don't need to be an expert, when you can hire one." That was it! The solution to all his problems! The big bull went running back to his great hall, grabbed a pen and paper, and set about writing.

"Dear AAMS:

Howdy! I know you folks is in the trade and publicity business, and I'm a hopin y'all kin help me out here. What're yer rates fer seeking out specific sorts of folks, and hiring them on behalf of clients?
I'm in dire need y'see, dire dire need. Got me a problem I need handled real discreet like, but I just ain't got the ability ta git it done on my own. I require someone of discretion, with an eye for making the right move at the right time, and who could use what I got to offer.
Huh, sounds like I'm trying ta find a....right, better clarify.
See, I got way too much stuff, not enough time, and frsnkly, no inclination to turn that stuff into money via the auction house. But I'm hoping y'all know a sharp trader who can do that for me. My terms will be generous, especially since I'll just be encouragin' 'em to do what they does anyway.

Kindest regards:
Archturkey Plainswander
FFR, Draenor

Plains signed the letter with his usual flourishes, sealed it, and handed it off to his assistant for delivery.

"See to it this gits to the AAMS offices directly, and MAKE SURE none of them damn Goblins get their greasy mitts on it. If I wind yp hearing from that two timing little backstabbing swindler Mormei on this, I will tie you to the roof with Zog, ya got that?"

"Sir! Yessir! Commander Sir!"

"Yer damn right, now git! I ain't got all day!"

And with that, the courier was off to find the offices of the white and gold or blue and black or....oh boy.

((OOC: It is what it says on the tin: I'm accumulating resources at a ridiculous rate. And it occurred to me, theres gotta some player out there who actually enjoys AH fiddling. I'd be willing to funnel you my stuff, provided you use it to get me a decent return. My share, post your cut, should be at least = 3x what I would get by just vendoring it. I can deliver monthly anything that has built up to be over 1k in quantity. Further details to be hashed out if anyone is interested.))
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Garrisons have tanked the AH market for most profession materials. It really depends on exactly what you have stockpiled but things like WoD herbs, ore, and fish are worth jack all. Even most crafted profession goods typically command a lower market price than they would have in the past.))

((Still I've done a fair share of AH wrangling so I'm willing to look at what you have if you are interested. If nothing else I can point out the things that might be worth the effort of selling.))
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((Oh, I'm well aware the mats market has gone to the dogs. I was just holding stuff to funnel through the traders, but the trader system is a steaming pile of crap right now, what with having to zone into someone else's Garrison just to move goods.

I'll put together a list, and projected quantities I expect to have by EOM, and you let me know if you can do anything with it, if so, awesome, maybe this'll be the 'finally make Plains stop hating on Goblins' angle I've been looking for. If not, no harm no foul eh?))
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