[A—RP] Pet Battle Classes!

Hi! I'm Pommie Tappet, Ph.D., professor of biological sciences with a specialty in the small fauna of Azeroth, Outland, and Draenor!

I'm proud to report that my pet battle classes are just starting out, offered through the prestigious <Stormwind University>.

If you're interested in collecting, battling, training, taming, or anything else related to small pets, this class is for you, regardless of skill level. In this class we cover everything:

  • The species of pets
  • Genotypes and phenotypes
  • Qualities and attributes
  • Capture of wild pets
  • Battles
  • Strategies for the Grand Master Tamers
  • Strategies for the Celestial Tournament
  • Strategies against other players ((PvP))
  • ((Pet Battle Add-Ons))
  • Expanding your collection
  • Economics of pet battles
  • Ethics of pet battles

Classes are held every Thursday at the 4th bell of the evening ((4pm pacific)) in Darnassus.

((Sorry, Horde! Until I transfer my goblin, Megzy, back to Wyrmrest Accord (Americas), I'm afraid this is an Alliance-only event! ))

You don't have to be a student of Stormwind University to attend these classes. You can audit them for free! Of course, students of the University will be graded. Attendance and battle exams will be parts of your grade.

We're starting our third class on the 12th of March, but don't worry! The first class was just introductory, and we'll do a quick summary of the second class. I hope you all come with hungry minds and a love of pets!

Yours sincerely!
Pommie Tappet.

((RP event, every Thursday at 4pm pacific time in Darnassus.

If you want to get into pet battles, this event is for you!

If you already love pet battles and want to get into some pet battle RP, this event is also for you!

Classes are offered through Stormwind University! Visit us on the web at www.stormwind-university.com
Edited by Pommie on 3/25/2015 5:30 PM PDT
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I've gotten some whispers that folks from other realms would love to attend, so we'll be holding classes in Darnassus since Stormwind doesn't allow visitors from outside Wyrmrest Accord.

I've updated the post above to reflect that.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and I look forward to seeing you at the next class, March 12th, 4pm pacific time.))
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((Reminder: the next pet battle class is TOMORROW, March 19th at 4pm pacific time in Darnassus.

For tomorrow's class we'll finish up our survey of the species of pets, and we have a special guest lecturer, Threespears, who will discuss exotics! Woot!)
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Pet battle class is March 26th, 4pm pacific time, Darnassus.

For tomorrow's lecture we're getting into the nitty-grttiy: pet attributes, genetics, genotypes, and phenotypes. WOO!))
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Bumping this because the class was great fun! If you haven't been, come check it out. Pommie's lecture was excellent!
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((Thanks Etharion! It was great to have you and your friends at the class.

The material in session 5 was pretty advanced—and it went by quite quickly. Some students have asked me for notes on the material. As promised, here they are:


Hope this helps!))
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100 Human Paladin
((This class is now famous!! Congratulations Pommie!
All those interested in a fantastic teacher, and interesting topic, should attend! ))
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((Thanks Suzy!

REMINDER: The next class is tomorrow, April 2nd, at 4pm (pacific) in Darnassus.

We'll finish up our data tables we started last week and get into battle details. The next class (April 9th) will be our first battle quiz! Prepare your teams!))
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100 Dwarf Monk
This looks and sounds excellent. I'll definitely try to attend.
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100 Blood Elf Monk
(( I was going to whine and cry about it not being horde. But if you are allowing off realm players to join, I do have a baby night elf druid... I don't think I will make it for tomorrows event, rl plans, but in the future I'd love to go. Lionpaw#1410 ))
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((Daesong, I will run the classes Horde side next "semester"! I promise!

For now I've sent you a friend request.))
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100 Worgen Druid
WooooT! Pommie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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100 Pandaren Priest
Zunde Seal of pet battle approval.
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100 Draenei Shaman
<3 Pommie :)
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Next RP pet battle class in April 9th at 4pm server time (PDT).

We will have our first battle quiz so please come prepared with a team of your highest level pets!))
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21 Human Warlock
I will be there!
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You weren't there, Jinette.

Or maybe you were and I didn't notice. We had a huge turnout for our first battle quiz! It was spectacular! Thank you all to everyone who came.

Next class will be on April 16th, and the topic will be battle pet synergy.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I know I'm not on your realm, but I'd be really interested in attending one of these events! Can you plz add my battletag at Tori#1933 and I hope to attend and meet you guys for the class next week!
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04/11/2015 02:19 PMPosted by Valithryn
I know I'm not on your realm, but I'd be really interested in attending one of these events! Can you plz add my battletag at Tori#1933 and I hope to attend and meet you guys for the class next week!
You got it! You're not the first off-realm visitor. We've got regular students from other realms too.

Thanks for your interest!

Reminder: next class is April 16th at 4pm pacific time.
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100 Night Elf Druid
tyvm! I'll get it when I log in later :)
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