Homosexuality in Roleplaying


94 Night Elf Hunter
Now, whether the above mentioned exchange is something serious or simply an attempt on the part of Sweetspring to start trouble for the sake of it (reading her other emoted lines makes it clear she's fond of teasing others) is open to interpretation, I suppose.
94 Night Elf Hunter
Just a quick note, but at Star's Rest in Dragonblight there IS an instance of one of the Sentinels there flirting with the other. Poor girl doesn't seem particularly interested in the attention though.


Sentinel Sweetspring grins at Sentinel Amberline across the camp, waggling her long eyebrows suggestively.
Sentinel Amberline huffs with annoyance, glaring briefly at Sentinel Sweetspring before turning away with her nose in the air.

Now, whether the above mentioned exchange is something serious or simply an attempt on the part of Sweetspring to start trouble for the sake of it (reading her other emoted lines makes it clear she's fond of teasing others) is open to interpretation, I suppose.

That was what I was about to say. It's only sexual if you want it to be. You can also read it as Sweetspring intentionall messing around with Amberline. I think the latter is more justified since Sweetpsring also makes fun of the Draenei trader in their camp.


However, homosexuality among Night Elven females must exist in order for Sweetspring to be able to tease her about it. If it was extremely rare or nonexistant, the teasing wouldn't make any sense.
Edited by Kalaryia on 12/29/2010 8:25 AM PST
94 Night Elf Hunter
12/29/2010 8:32 AMPosted by Eldamar
True.However, homosexuality among Night Elven females must exist in order for Sweetspring to be able to tease her about it. If it was extremely rare or nonexistant, the teasing wouldn't make any sense

I have absolutely no doubt that their is homosexuality amongst any of the races. I just don't think it's as common as people assume it to be amongst the Night Elves. Considering humans are the race from which every race in Warcraft is compared to and created from, I'd have to say that they have a rate of 10% of the population being homosexual since that's approximately the truth for us.

Is it really 10%? I assumed it was lower than that.


Kaly herself is unabashedly promiscuous, though I see that as making sense for a race that's been described lorewise as somewhat "feral" in nature, and of course close to the natural world as they are. Animals aren't exactly shy about mating.
Edited by Kalaryia on 12/29/2010 8:41 AM PST
94 Night Elf Hunter

Is it really 10%? I assumed it was lower than that.


Kaly herself is unabashedly promiscuous, though I see that as making sense for a race that's been described lorewise as somewhat "feral" in nature, and of course close to the natural world as they are. Animals aren't exactly shy about mating.

Indeed. Normally Eld would follow suit to your example, but over the past few years Lore-wise (since the Shattering and events leading to it), he's been too stressed and busy working for any form of social life. He is a promiscuous lad who enjoys beastial pleasure normally, but events have kept him focused on more important matters.

Kalaryia herself is rather... indisposed for the moment. Had a bit of a run in with The Moonblade... Melyria found out certain things, arrested her, was going to execute her... it's all very disturbing for a emotionally troubled Huntress with a dominant streak.

Fortunately, after it's all over and done with I'll finally be able to bring Kalaryia's mate into the primary IC timeline....
Edited by Kalaryia on 12/29/2010 8:51 AM PST
94 Night Elf Hunter
12/29/2010 8:52 AMPosted by Eldamar
I don't care for the Moonblade or its leader IC or OOC. What was that all about?

Kalaryia's had a rather shameful record with the Sentinels in the past, basically.

She tries to keep it quiet, runs with a fake surname... but Melyria pressed hard until Kalaryia finally came clean.

It's necessary for Kalaryia's progression as a character though. She can't be hiding all this shame deep down inside forever. It had to come out. At some point she'll probably tell the whole guild at a meeting or something.
Edited by Kalaryia on 12/29/2010 8:58 AM PST
80 Blood Elf Death Knight
I am the devil's advocate. Though Eldamar I honestly think you're a troll, a well informed troll, but a troll none the less.

And come on, 30% is a fair estimation, it's like calling bull@#%@ on me saying that 30% of the blood elven population consists of magi.
85 Orc Mage
Let's go with 'It's hard to put an actual statistic on the number of gay Elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc.'

Who knows, the number of same sex couples in WoW that are played, could be the actual number of same sex couples in lore.

Eld, much as I hate to say it, female characters who have extra appendages can be likely in a setting with magic and impossible sciences.
85 Orc Mage
12/29/2010 5:43 PMPosted by Eldamar
Please, don't say it then Silverflame...

I have to be unbiased.
14 Night Elf Druid
I don't care what people do where I can't see. Just don't tell me about it, because I'm sure not asking.
90 Human Priest
Trying to get back to original point of the thread.
I don't see it as a problem at all. It is roleplaying, and if you wish to play a gay character, fine by me.
I played plenty of gay, and straight characters. I find it a way to mix things up, and it helps when I rp as the opposite gender. (on a site and they think I am a female. it is halarious)
Now of course I love playing a gay character. Just because it fits many of my characters. Like a troodon (a man sized dinosaur) I called Qualia. Or a nargacuga (flagship monster of the game monster hunter freedom unite) was the open gay, one. pretty much I set it up for self insulting. worked out well actually.

I tend to play non humans. I just cant write anything as one. So I use animals. ( about 80% of the time something with scales or feathers) I don't see the problem others do.

If it makes your character interesting, do it. So what about what people think of your character. (then again I rp with several of them frequently enough to be used to it. and them)

I did a few gay relationships before, frightening how long we kept it up. then school came. think we made it 300 something posts together, in a 1 on 1. it was nuts. Another where it is straight and I play a female over 500.
the point is, whatever kind of character you play, sometimes it goes on longer than you intended to play the character out. Others it is instantly a buyers remorse ordeal.
85 Night Elf Mage
Just throwing it out there, it's possible some societies do not even have a strict division of sexuality. As in people are not categorized that way and in fact the language might possess no word for it.

As in no language or cultural conception exists to demarcate between heterosexual and homosexual and in between. Kalaryia pointed out say amongst Night Elves there is a feral sort of naturalistic culture. Such a society might lend itself to the above mentioned understanding.
85 Blood Elf Mage
I don't think Night Elves are feral at all in terms of their society if you really read into all their established lore. In fact, they are quite reserved about courtship habits in a manner that would conflict with promiscuity. While we're arguing about a fictional race, I think it's more logical for elves with near immortality to have less biological instinct for sexual reproduction than "short" living races like humans, thus proving the "would've got bored in 10000 years" point moot.

I don't know if that means you have to hate me for disagreeing or I have to condemn you as a lore breaker. I wouldn't agree with using nonexistent lore to support your character, but I also don't see why a character couldn't differ from some of their race's stereotypical personality qualities.

In the same light, I could see a society where courtship isn't talked about openly as also having a lessened identity based on sexuality (as a previous poster already said, which is a stark contrast to real life western society where identities are built around your sexual identity and activity).
Edited by Feydran on 12/29/2010 11:43 PM PST
85 Night Elf Warrior
12/29/2010 11:40 PMPosted by Feydran
I don't think Night Elves are feral at all in terms of their society if you really read into all their established lore. In fact, they are quite reserved about courtship habits in a manner that would conflict with promiscuity. While we're arguing about a fictional race, I think it's more logical for elves with near immortality to have less biological instinct for sexual reproduction than "short" living races like humans, thus proving the "would've got bored in 10000 years" point moot.

I don't know if that means you have to hate me for disagreeing or I have to condemn you as a lore breaker. I wouldn't agree with using nonexistent lore to support your character, but I also don't see why a character couldn't differ from some of their race's stereotypical personality qualities.

In the same light, I could see a society where courtship isn't talked about openly as also having a lessened identity based on sexuality (as a previous poster already said, which is a stark contrast to real life western society where identities are built around your sexual identity and activity).

In the original Night Elf concept art, they were more feral than trolls, and actually had harems. Much of that made it into the game. So there is your nonexistant lore, even if it's not as prominent as we would like to think. The only part of it that actually didn't make it into lore if I recall is the harems.
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