Scale and Scope

85 Blood Elf Rogue
For RP purposes, not sure if posting this here is the right place to do it or not. I was wondering if anyone has any idea as to the scale of Azeroth vs real world land masses? According to Cartographer, both the main continents are roughly 25,000 yards from top to bottom. This equates to around 15 miles, (virtually speaking) which in and of itself is an enormous amount of virtual landmass in any game. Of course we know that real world continents are much much larger. So would it be safe to say, "If the United States is 3,000 miles across..and Kalimdor is virtually 15 miles from top to bottom, that we have a 1:200 scale?"

Just some musings from a lore buff / RP'er looking to get a better grasp on the real scale and scope of Azeroth. Any discussion about this would be much appreciated.
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62 Troll Death Knight
I read in a magazine that all of Azeroth's continents together, were larger then New York City. They actually measured it.
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
12/29/2010 6:50 AMPosted by Eldamar
You'd get a more accurate comparison if you measured the distance from the top of North America to the southern tip of South American.

According to my calculations based on the time it takes to cross the Barrens in Lore, I have the world scale at about 1: 810.

It took 2 weeks to cross the Barrens. Taking in sunlight I estimate 12 hours average of movement. Average speed would be about 35 mph using the average speed of a running horse in RL.

162 hours * 35 mph = 5670 miles.

It took me 6 minutes to run across the Barrens at 100% movement speed, I doubled that time.

12 minutes * .58 miles p/ minute = 7 miles.

5670/7 = 810

EDIT1: I rounded up and I'm not even sure I can give an accurate ratio considering the information given.

EDIT2: I used a globe and bendable ruler to roughly get about 10,500 miles. That'd give us a scale of 700:1.

Hmm, I'll have to do some math myself, tyvm.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
So, being mathematically challenged, I am attempting to grasp how long it would actually take to make boat trips from say, Ratchet to Booty Bay...
Also attempting to wrap my brain around the time ratio, does a quest actually take days, weeks? Is playing for an evening equal to a year or more in "in-game" time? My god, how old am i...
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47 Tauren Shaman
12/29/2010 2:25 PMPosted by Zalianna
So, being mathematically challenged, I am attempting to grasp how long it would actually take to make boat trips from say, Ratchet to Booty Bay...
Also attempting to wrap my brain around the time ratio, does a quest actually take days, weeks? Is playing for an evening equal to a year or more in "in-game" time? My god, how old am i...

I wonder how long it would take? Months?

I bet one year equals two or three years.
Edited by Echekorwi on 12/29/2010 4:28 PM PST
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85 Undead Death Knight
So, being mathematically challenged, I am attempting to grasp how long it would actually take to make boat trips from say, Ratchet to Booty Bay...

I'd say that it'd actually take a couple of weeks with what Goblins use as fuel...
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