An Introduction

Hello CC/SoE, I'm posting over here since this seems to be the more active of the forums.

I am Malandra and I am a new addition to the roleplay community. I soent a lot of time on the bigger rp realms, but I never got into any of that rp. I actually started on SoE way back in the day, I would go into my rp history, but I doubt anyone is interested in my pedigree.

None the less, I am here to look for less guild centric rp and make some new friends. If you ever see me loitering around feel free to approach, I don't bite-- or at least Malandra IC does not-- and I would love to get involved in events when I am not leveling. (I plan to cap at 70 and raid with The Burning Crusaders.) If you catch me online, or toss me a mail I would love to set stuff up. I mostly play during the day time hours. I am also open to cross faction rp.

I'm still developing this character, but I find the best way to develop something is to work with others.
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100 Undead Priest
Make sure you stop by the Blue Recluse. Hell, even I like to go there *coughs every night... coughs* Lots of people seem to frequent the place.

Welcome to the enemy's side. I look forward to you murdering me.

I am sure someone can fill you in on all the channels if you don't already know them.
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98 Night Elf Druid
Yupyup, you should totally join AllianceOOC, that's where most of us hang out. And Clottia (hello love) is right, the Blue Recluse in the Mage Quarter is a popular spot for walk up RP.
Aside from that, we have weekly events that make great places to meet and mingle with the other RPers!
Mondays are Clinic and Troubadour nights, on alternating weeks. Clinic starts a 5pm ST, Troub at 6pm
Tuesdays, the Feathers of Iron hosts a Tavern Night in Booty Bay starting at 6.30 ST
Wednesdays, Conclave hosts the Light and You Sermon at the gazebo behind the Stormwind Cathedral at 6pm
and new! Saturdays are now Caturdays! Come to the Cafe across from the Flight Master in Ironforge to sample Azeroth's best bagels! B&B Cafe starts at 6pm ST.

Anything else that crops up throughout the week usually gets shared across AOOC, so it's easy to find the sort of RP you're looking for =)

Hope that helps!
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