My goodness, has activity around here been dreadful.
... Has it? >> I really don't think "dreadful" is the appropriate word. I've seen servers that are far worse off. We still have a good community here and a lot of things going on.
I've been having a lovely time RPing lately. Usually when I decide to camp myself in the Mage Quarter on Zara I can find someone heading to the Recluse and engage them in some non-tavern roleplay, but I'm not sure if that counts.
I've also had a lot of fun interacting with people from other servers in Booty Bay on Tuesdays, and I really hope that continues.
What I will say is that we need to bring RP out of certain locations on which we have become dependent. I don't really take Zara to the Recluse very much because it doesn't make sense for her to be there. I'm sure a lot of characters don't have much reason to be there, so like Kyalin said, we can't depend on that.
The only reason we depend on the Recluse is because that's where we put ourselves. It's the default gathering place. But we can decide on new gathering places anytime we want to. Since we have a small population, it's unlikely that we will just run into each other. But as suggested, we can put ourselves in other places, collaborate in the ooc channel and decide to run into each other somewhere else.
However, the discussion of random RP on the server only applies to the main cities, Org and SW. Everywhere else ( except pvp zones and Draenor) is connected through CRZ.
I don't think we should be afraid to RP with other servers because they aren't "us". I don't see why we should limit ourselves to RP just with our server.
I know many people have made up their minds about RPers from certain other servers, but my experience thus far has been pretty positive.
Recently I went back to my old server, Thorium Brotherhood, not really expecting to find anything, but I found a lovely community who were very welcoming and very open to the idea of RPing with us through CRZ.
As far as creative ideas to get people to show up to events, coordinating events with the Thorium Brotherhood/ Farstriders/ Silver Hand server would be really great. I've been communicating with people over there and they will be sharing their events with us, and I think we should do the same. They are a small server with a lot of the same issues as us, but also the same good qualities.
I really don't want to annoy people with my constant CRZ campaigning, but I find it silly for people to complain about a lack of RP when there is -so much- RP right at our fingertips now. I think we really need to find a way to utilize it.