State of the Server

100 Blood Elf Paladin
04/15/2015 08:38 AMPosted by Mallaidh
And Maxla, dear, welcome to CC/SoE. Glad to have you aboard. I hope you find yourself welcomed by everyone you meet. Just watch out for pink cats and maggots.

And frog-crazy shamans.
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100 Draenei Mage
To Maxla:

Welcome to the server! I hope you find a home here. :)

As far as notification about events, I'm doing by very best to let people know about CRZ events.

I think generally, this server is pretty good about notifying people about events, but sometimes people can slip through the cracks if they aren't on OOC when it's advertised, or don't check the forums. It sounds like you should be good though, with the forums and Scholar.

The best way to get involved in plot lines is to get to know people. If you establish relationships with other characters, you start to get involved in their business. If people know about you, when a plot line comes up they think, "you know, I think Maxla could help us here..." Fortunately with a small server, you can start to know most people.

Another way to get into RP is simply have your character react to what's happening. For example, I was wandering around on my priestess, when I came across what looked like a medical emergency, so she offered her healing services. It turned out to be part of a humorous plot line, so I got to be involved.

I think I've largely said this before, but the good thing about a small server is that you know people are willing to RP with you. We aren't a group of fragmented communities, like larger servers, but instead we're one community where we all RP with each other openly.

I think you are usually able to find RP if you reach out for it. Communicating in OOC channels becomes more necessary, so I suppose you don't get the "totally organic random interaction!" as much, but I think that's a very small price to pay. It's certainly not "dreadful."

Also, Araceli, it's good to see more people supporting CRZ. :D Check out my threads if you haven't already


Event list:

Maybe the server isn't what it used to be, but changes happen, and you can appreciate the good thing you have right now, and try to make it even better. :)
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36 Goblin Shaman
Thanks for the welcome! Rest assured though, my experiences here so far has been overwhelmingly positive. There's a lot more to explore and way more people to meet, even as figuring out Maxla's character has taken a lot longer than I thought it would.

And Mallaidh, Zaranae, if you are enjoy things as they are, I say that's fantastic. I haven't had much trouble with random rp, though it's mostly been with people not of Elune's Sisters or the Cenarion Circulars. What do you guys call yourselves anyway?

But to clarify, I had put forth my comments as a new-to-the-server perspective in regards to what Kyalin, Clottia and others were saying, about improving the rp diversity. From what I'm seeing the rp mechanisms, the interwoven community, and the willingness to work cross-faction and beyond the server boundaries (ie. the CRZ friendly event list, the brand new website) are good bones to build on. Not just for now, but for later when perhaps the game dynamics Mormel mentioned may shift in our collective favor.

And Maxla, dear, welcome to CC/SoE. Glad to have you aboard. I hope you find yourself welcomed by everyone you meet. Just watch out for pink cats and maggots.
04/15/2015 12:54 PMPosted by Ketiron
And frog-crazy shamans.

...maggots? Is that a code for something? I think I ought to meet these frog-crazy shaman.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Yes, maggots is code for maggots. If you ever run into Abominus, you'll understand. *grins*
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100 Human Rogue
04/16/2015 06:56 AMPosted by Ketiron
Yes, maggots is code for maggots. If you ever run into Abominus, you'll understand. *grins*

04/16/2015 04:49 AMPosted by Maxla
I think I ought to meet these frog-crazy shaman.

If you run into Belpha, you'll understand.
Though as you're Horde ninety percent of the time, he'll turn YOU into one, and proceed to kill your friends as you ribbit helplessly before adopting you forever as his amphibious acquaintance.

Belpha also brings friends.
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100 Undead Priest

Though as you're Horde ninety percent of the time, he'll turn YOU into one, and proceed to kill your friends as you ribbit helplessly before adopting you forever as his amphibious acquaintance.

Belpha also brings friends.

Confirmed as of 4/15/15.
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91 Human Warlock
I agree with much of what OP said.

I just returned after a 6 year absence. My main motivators were RP and Cenarion Circle... seeing old friends. I have nor yet, however, and after only a week I feel disappointed and maybe even sad.

Too many out of character things to report without feeling like I'm wasting the GMs' time.

I hope I can meet many of you in game, because you seem to be the reason I returned.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
It is perhaps best noted that certain naysayers have, in the past, committed heinous acts of douchebaggery that lead to swift and long-lived scorn and infamy. And whilst they may poke their cowardly face back now and then to see what has become of us, certainly their opinion is unreliable at best.

I'm a tad late on this, and I'm not sure who you are referring to, but this is ad hominem and it's not helpful.

Regardless of the source of a complaint, or even your disagreement with it, it pays to listen to what's being said and to weigh the logic presented. CC is far from a trash bin, but it's not the land of milk and honey either - there are things we can do to improve, just as there are things that every server can do to improve.

I'd just like to take a second as well and point out that earning scorn can be as easy as holding an unpopular opinion in this day and age - and the U.S. political situation (regardless of what side of it you're on) is a great example of the problem. Internet shame culture is really nothing to be proud of. It enforces conformity, promotes groupthink, and demonizes opposition in a way that a propogandist could only dream about.

Granted, I don't know what acts of infamy these people supposedly committed, and so it may be that this defense isn't deserved, but from a logical perspective the idea of not hearing someone out is unhelpful and troubling.
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100 Human Rogue
04/19/2015 07:39 PMPosted by Kyalin
It is perhaps best noted that certain naysayers have, in the past, committed heinous acts of douchebaggery that lead to swift and long-lived scorn and infamy. And whilst they may poke their cowardly face back now and then to see what has become of us, certainly their opinion is unreliable at best.

I'm a tad late on this, and I'm not sure who you are referring to, but this is ad hominem and it's not helpful.

Regardless of the source of a complaint, or even your disagreement with it, it pays to listen to what's being said and to weigh the logic presented. CC is far from a trash bin, but it's not the land of milk and honey either - there are things we can do to improve, just as there are things that every server can do to improve.

I'd just like to take a second as well and point out that earning scorn can be as easy as holding an unpopular opinion in this day and age - and the U.S. political situation (regardless of what side of it you're on) is a great example of the problem. Internet shame culture is really nothing to be proud of. It enforces conformity, promotes groupthink, and demonizes opposition in a way that a propogandist could only dream about.

Granted, I don't know what acts of infamy these people supposedly committed, and so it may be that this defense isn't deserved, but from a logical perspective the idea of not hearing someone out is unhelpful and troubling.

I quietly cringe to myself while writing this BUT! I agree with Kyalin. If we all went about tossing everyone we disagreed with off the server because of "Popular" opinion....there would be nobody left. And honestly driving someone away is the last thing anyone should be proud of like them or not. (Okay so a big tangential there >>)

Round about way of saying just because you don't like the person's opinion doesn't invalidate it as an opinion and telling others how they must view said opinion simply because of who put it a poor way of going about things.

I blame it being 6am and bedtime for the disjointedness of this.
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100 Human Warlock
04/19/2015 07:39 PMPosted by Kyalin
It is perhaps best noted that certain naysayers have, in the past, committed heinous acts of douchebaggery that lead to swift and long-lived scorn and infamy. And whilst they may poke their cowardly face back now and then to see what has become of us, certainly their opinion is unreliable at best.

I'm a tad late on this, and I'm not sure who you are referring to, but this is ad hominem and it's not helpful.

Since I'm rather big on the "Stop tiptoeing around the subject, you giant muppet babies!" I'll get to it. Probably meant Will. I remember a time the guy threw a tantrum on the forums over CC being full of all jerk RPers or some such.

With that outta the way, I tend to agree with other people that we'll need to expand and possibly murder and absorb other groups of people for more RP. Thinking back to a ball only a few months ago, it was rather small and disappointing. Whether it's because of the semi-small amount of RPers, or the split between the factions and the not huge of amounts of new players coming to RP, we could do better.

That said, I hate you all and hope you slip in a blueberry pie.
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100 Draenei Mage
04/20/2015 04:26 AMPosted by Kordrion
I blame it being 6am and bedtime for the disjointedness of this.

Girl, you're crazy.

Obviously, when you get a group of people together anywhere, for any reason, there will be disagreements and times when people don't get along. That's just inherent.

A good community doesn't let disagreements divide them.

I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm also sleep deprived.

*Grabs blanket and cuddles up next to Kord.* Zzzz
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100 Gnome Priest
04/20/2015 08:10 AMPosted by Zaranae
*Grabs blanket and cuddles up next to Kord.* Zzzz

*sets down a [Robo-Cluck Alarm Bot], winds and leaves*
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100 Human Warlock
04/20/2015 01:09 PMPosted by Caileanmor
04/20/2015 08:10 AMPosted by Zaranae
*Grabs blanket and cuddles up next to Kord.* Zzzz

*sets down a [Robo-Cluck Alarm Bot], winds and leaves*

You fool! You forgot the pudding and oils!
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04/16/2015 04:49 AMPosted by Maxla
...maggots? Is that a code for something? I think I ought to meet these frog-crazy shaman.

Step One: go to Ogrimmar, or possibly Warspear.
Step Two: Tell various passerby that you feel quite fresh and clean and optimistic about the future. Perhaps lament your lack of a paramour. It does not matter if you actually have one or not.
Step Three: When you hear the following noise behind you, do not turn around - "eeeeheeeheeheeeehglorpshufflecacklehissssAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Step Four: Support Group

Steps one through three are regrettably mandatory.
Step four can be achieved in any number of ways, however, if achieved via Omelettes, may be hallucinatory and result in unexpected hatchings.

Welcome to CC.

This has been "ArchTurkey Plainswander's Instructions for How to Never Feel Clean Again".
This service is neither supported financially or endorsed by MaggotLord United LLC, and is not legally binding with respect to decency, plotlines, or life expectancy.
Use with caution. Do not play on or around. Do not take internally.
Hoot hoot hoot.
Do a little dance.
Edited by Plainswander on 4/20/2015 3:32 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
15585're evil.
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If warning innocents bout the dangers of sudden maggot based friendship injections is evil, then sure.
But is it?
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100 Human Priest
04/12/2015 10:51 PMPosted by Willander
The problem, I think at least the problem for me, is that Cenarion Circle never changes- This is a server historically rooted in a collection of very permanent guilds and players, and it harms it in ways, in my opinion.

As much as it will frustrate I have to agree with Willander here. His point is probably one of the most accurate of all here much to my surprise. Fact is there is a status quo here, the handful of people and guilds that have withstood the tests of time are hesitant to break out of the stalemate. In my estimation the idea that by battening down the hatches and clamming against change is being perceived as a method of survival when in the long term it puts a permanent damper on rp and the community as a whole.

I am trying to break that status quo and the stalemate it has caused. Last night DV, which has taken on business interests relating to its mercenary background in the dwarven district, attempted to openly assault LLuchdu Ocheliad, and we will again. I am declaring open hostilities against anyone who opposes us and our interests, LO and its robber baron along with the Stormwind Union are top on the list. The rules of engagement are still needing to be hashed out, but don't expect this to be a short venture, we desire to control the whole of cargo traffic between stormwind and ironforge. We are welcoming to business partners looking to help us profit and challenge any who would stand in our way.

Yes, this is a stretch, but it is not without precedent in game or in character, there have always been shady business deals and underhanded tactics employed by almost every phase of the storylines concerning humans. DV is claiming its turf here and now, I would challenge all guilds and members of the community to respond to this in character and not with pouting like a bunch of elitists. If you don't like it, do something about it, but lets face it, our community has needed an active protagonist for all the lawful and lawful good aligned guilds to fight against for a very,very long time.... DV aims to be that protagonist.

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100 Human Warrior
SU is open to the idea. Let's talk in-game, Disc.
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100 Human Priest
AYE SIR! starts polishing the fisti-cuffs
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How do you intend to deal with in-faction conflict? Duels?
Genuinely curious....
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