State of the Server

100 Gnome Priest
I salute your ambition in this Discosis.

I don't know where or how I'll be interacting with DV, but I'll keep the possibilities ever present in my creative process.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
*nudges Orwyn to squeeze in beside him*

IFG is also open tae such intentions! Mayhap we two shall discuss this further...
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100 Human Priest
As far as I see Rping out things is normally the best way to go, and when in doubt a /roll to decide a questionable action. Fights will be won, fights will be lost but its the creativity and character driven stories that have and will always excite me about rp. As to take point by example my TRP3 bullets are formatted to reflect strengths and vulnerabilities along with the first bullet describing his affiliation and reaction to walk up.

I hope people start to take the vegas mindset, show up to have fun and just roll with how the chips fall, be creative and inventive with actions and interactions. No one can win all the time but everyone can make things enjoyable for those around them.
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100 Gnome Priest
I think I shall download TRP3 then and see how it compares with MRP. I may even start using it. I was once in love with TRP2 but it fell out of favor when support for it disappeared.
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100 Human Priest
TRP3 has a lot more features than 2 did, its less tweak-able than mrp but it makes the at a glance items easy with the bullets. As far as im concerned most rpers know each other in some facet or another, a lot of the addon use is for details and making things easier for new members of the community.
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100 Human Priest
Now that the dust has settled somewhat, my take on your effort:

I was told in a whisper that basically "well, you're in a guild, it's not something to flit around in, it must be obvious", making assumptions that there would be some kind of insignia or whatever. If I had some kind of Ocheliad insignia, I would say so in his MRP description of his attire; I am usually diligent in putting down identifying markers like tabards, badges, et cetera. In this case, I didn't. I would not make assumptions of anyone's affiliation unless they outright said so or gave some kind of indication; on that note, you don't read a person's MRP and then automatically know everything about them when you meet them. (And that includes their name, if they've not introduced themselves to you yet.) There are those who might be identifyable by reputation, of course, but they have to have one first.

In this case, I have made it clear that Sekhesmet has not made a big deal of his affiliation with the LO; those who have a beef with him are predominantly the opponents of his "past incarnation" (when he was Forsaken), and the occasional snob lawyer (nothing but love for ya, Foravin, heh). He knows the LO's reputation and doesn't wear it out in public, to avoid unnecessary (read: beyond the usual range of wondering why he's not dead/in prison kind of) attention. The only person outside of LO who knew he was in LO, and it's because he outright told her (as a way of saying "where else could I go around here?"), was Genevra - when he first returned and aligned with them months back.

I get what you're trying to do here, but the communication needs a little work.
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100 Human Priest
Agreed sek 100%, I have taken measures within my own guild to prevent this from occurring again.

Roleplaying members of DV will be running TRP3, any guild members not actively running this can safely be considered non roleplayers or on occasion casual observers if they are very new.

The TRP3 addon has 5 bullets that are for at a glance observations. RP affiliation with the guild will be specified in either the first or second bullet. The rest of the information is up to the individual character but hopefully with a little coordinated efforts and easier communications any misunderstandings like this can be safely avoided in the future.

I would encourage roleplayers having specific character nuances to follow this mold but I have no control over any but DVs members, all we can do is set a precedent and hope that others see the value in it.
Edited by Discocis on 4/24/2015 11:10 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Should be merged with Wra....CC is really tiny, it could use the boost in pop.
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100 Human Priest
pop is low, fresh blood and fresh ideas are what make RP fun in the long term. The same old gets dull no matter how good it may be
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100 Draenei Shaman
You don't need tons of people to have good RP and a good community. CC is nice in that it's fairly close knit without having to be a megarealm to achieve that. We all know each other here and our issues get resolved without becoming nuclear.
WRA doesn't need any realms attached to it. And we're happily merged with Sisters of Elune.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
04/24/2015 11:47 AMPosted by Saiylen
Should be merged with Wra....CC is really tiny, it could use the boost in pop.

At the cost of the community's identity. Still, if it does happen - and admittedly, the thought has occurred to me - I've heard less complaint about WrA than the others.

Trouble is, WrA tends to be crammed near-to-full, and even with the "really tiny" pop of CC (and SoE - we may be two servers in one community, but there's still two servers involved!) being merged into it, would cause more long-term problems that outweigh the short-term satisfaction - mainly because there wouldn't be any satisfaction at all; after all, how can you interact with people when your server queue is ungodly long or your server crashes from overpop?
Edited by Ketiron on 4/25/2015 4:26 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Out of curiosity I decided to look up the various RP realm connections via RealmPop and compare those numbers.

Accordingly, and based solely on realm character population, I'd say our best bet would be to connect with Blackwater Raiders-Shadow Council (145k(population)), were another connection to take place.

Our next best bet would be Argent Dawn-The Scryers (168k) who have slightly more than we (cc-soe(161k)) but are pretty close to the same.
Kirin Tor-Steamwheedle-Sentinels (185k) and Feathermoon-Scarlet Crusade (185k) groups both have roughly the same populations and are close, but higher, to ours. Connection with either one of those groups would be fine...I think.

The Farstriders-Silver Hand-Thorium Brotherhood (209k) group is too close to WrA's (259k) population. I don't think WrA was connected to anyone if memory serves, and if I'm correct it's because they're still considered at High Pop Realm...which would make FS-SH-TB a high pop connection realm. For this reason I don't think connecting with either would be a good idea.

In conclusion however, for us to merge with say BwR-SC it would throw our collective population into the 300k range, which I'd guess is astronomical comparing it to WrA's high pop of 259k, and this is likely unfavorable I'm guessing for reasons Ketiron stated above.

This was all just hypothetical of course.

----------'s list of Connected Realms's stats used:
Edited by Caileanmor on 4/26/2015 11:36 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Warrior
04/12/2015 10:51 PMPosted by Willander
The problem, I think at least the problem for me, is that Cenarion Circle never changes- This is a server historically rooted in a collection of very permanent guilds and players, and it harms it in ways, in my opinion.

Why do you think those guilds have survived? They are full of dedicated RPers’s that are determined to make things work regardless of the population or doomsayers. These guilds aren’t a closed group that only RP amongst themselves, quite the contrary from what I have seen and participated in. These guilds at times will throw a piece of dynamite into the community in an attempt to cause things to happen. They do it to try a spur the community into activity. Sometimes it works other times not so much. These guilds aren’t flip-floppers; they don’t put their finger in the air to see which way the wind is going and follow it. They drive forward with their backstories and determinations they have built in the core of their guilds.

Yes a lot of RP happens that is exclusive to these guilds, but I have never seen any of these guilds turn their back on events or stray (trolless) RP where foreign characters wished to interact.

Events are one thing, but nothing beats a long lasting plot line in which characters feel like they are making a difference and are involved.

Perhaps our OOC channel should maybe used for what it was intended for? Many people are driven from it because it turns into just another obnoxious trade channel.

Population and change in my opinion isn’t the problem. People’s lack of information and desire to actually participate is.
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15 Human Rogue
I wonder if we had a dedicated forum, if that would help things?

I know in TOR, we have a forum for Ebon Hawk RP and that thrives. Would that help here?
Edited by Zikko on 4/28/2015 10:07 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
04/28/2015 10:04 PMPosted by Zikko
I wonder if we had a dedicated forum, if that would help things?

I know in TOR, we have a forum for Ebon Hawk RP and that thrives. Would that help here?

There already exist a few websites outside of these forums that cater specifically to rp things and stuff.

However, if I take your meaning that we have a few sub forums within the main realm forum here, then yes. I think that would be helpful. Say a dedicated RP, PVE, and PVP subforum. It would be helpful to keep things organized. Perhaps toss in a Guild forum for good measure. Wouldn't be a terrible idea, if it could be implemented within these forums.

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15 Human Rogue
04/28/2015 11:29 PMPosted by Caileanmor
There already exist a few websites outside of these forums that cater specifically to rp things and stuff.

However, if I take your meaning that we have a few sub forums within the main realm forum here, then yes. I think that would be helpful. Say a dedicated RP, PVE, and PVP subforum. It would be helpful to keep things organized. Perhaps toss in a Guild forum for good measure. Wouldn't be a terrible idea, if it could be implemented within these forums.


I asked around in (A) OOC chat and apparently they didn't know there was a forum.

Glad there is one :) (PS may I have the link for it? :)
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100 Draenei Warrior
04/29/2015 04:22 AMPosted by Zikko
04/28/2015 11:29 PMPosted by Caileanmor
There already exist a few websites outside of these forums that cater specifically to rp things and stuff.

However, if I take your meaning that we have a few sub forums within the main realm forum here, then yes. I think that would be helpful. Say a dedicated RP, PVE, and PVP subforum. It would be helpful to keep things organized. Perhaps toss in a Guild forum for good measure. Wouldn't be a terrible idea, if it could be implemented within these forums.


I asked around in (A) OOC chat and apparently they didn't know there was a forum.

Glad there is one :) (PS may I have the link for it? :)

The dash board is here...

CC's site is here...
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