Scholar Vol.1 Issue 2 (IC H/A Newspaper new)

100 Gnome Priest
Jimmy J. Jameson was frantic as he moved through the Scholar offices in Ratchet. With his new photographer Miss Silvertip he was pleased. She took good photos, but the stories didn't exactly write themselves. "Clottia." He muttered to himself, making sure the magical press was all set to go, "I have to remember to meet with this prospective new writer."


The press sounded loudly indicating it was done printing the second issue. Jimmy nearly burned his fingers as he pulled out the latest issue and perused it. "Perfect." He smiled smugly.

"Penny!" a bespectacled goblin ran in.

"Yessir! Mr. Jameson sir!"

"These are ready for delivery, see that they are distributed throughout Azeroth and Draenor.

"Yessir! Mr. Jameson sir!" The goblin gathered up those she could and hurried off.


((OOC: The latest issue is now plastered throughout the realm, enjoy and thank you to all of our writers, photographers and contributors. ))
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100 Undead Priest
Awesome! Thanks for your team and their hard work.
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100 Gnome Priest
The old gnome snapped the paper open and began to read. Turning the page he laid the paper flat on his desktop over the few books and folders of his current artifact research. His long frizzy gray mustache wriggled as he read about the previous murders he'd been witness too.

"Sims." He mumbled. The mechanical squirrel lifted its head and beeped at the gnome. "Remind me to follow up with the Watch. I need to know what, if any, progress they've been making." The small mechanical creature beeped and whistled.

"Well, yes. There is that." A hand idely lowered to the small pouch at his waistband, touching it softly to feel the small stone shard it securely held. He had strangely grown attached to it over the past week or more since its discovery.

"I may have to turn it over after all, depending on their progress." Cail sounded old and tired, as if the thought of handing the stone shard over as evidence were more than he could bare. Sims moaned a warning.

"Yes yes," The old gnome waved a dismissive hand. "It is evidence, and I should turn it over... but." Cail sighed heavily. "It means a great deal to me. I feel as if it holds a secret that I alone need to discover... but, we'll cross that bridge if we come to it." He turned his attention back to the latest issue of Scholar.

"Just remind me to pay the watch a visit soon."
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100 Undead Priest
"Mister Jameson will likely regret this..." Clottia spoke aloud in a guterral, almost beast-like voice. The Blood Elf standing next to her shuddered and took a step back from the post box.

The Priestess clicked her teeth together as she crumpled up the letter, then flung it at the Elf, smacking him in the forehead with her garbage. "Honestly..he will regret this. Especially if my submissions are 'skewed' ..."

"Now. I have three days to find suitable material."


It is official. Clottia is now a Staff Writer for the Scholar. Should any in the Horde have an stories/fashion trends/gossip/birth..death notices, please contact her for immediate response. Renzly is the Staff Photographer - I by no means speak for her - but I would guess she would appreciate contact for submissions as well. :)
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