CRZ and Community

100 Draenei Mage
So, a question by someone from Earthen Ring got me thinking.

I have seen people using the Custom Group from the LFG tool to get RP, but I never really thought about it.

There's no reason it has to be confined to "college RP" and the like. It can actually be a really useful tool for finding and spreading RP, especially cross server.

I'm hoping that people can start making Custom groups for their events to open it to more people. I know that is asking a lot, so I am not asking, I just think it is something to consider.

If you make the group not auto accept, you can confirm that people are actually serious RPers and know what to expect from the event before inviting. And if they troll, you can kick them and poof! Gone from your server.

Any thoughts/ideas?
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100 Human Warrior
11/18/2015 04:57 PMPosted by Zaranae
So, a question by someone from Earthen Ring got me thinking.

I have seen people using the Custom Group from the LFG tool to get RP, but I never really thought about it.

There's no reason it has to be confined to "college RP" and the like. It can actually be a really useful tool for finding and spreading RP, especially cross server.

I'm hoping that people can start making Custom groups for their events to open it to more people. I know that is asking a lot, so I am not asking, I just think it is something to consider.

If you make the group not auto accept, you can confirm that people are actually serious RPers and know what to expect from the event before inviting. And if they troll, you can kick them and poof! Gone from your server.

Any thoughts/ideas?

I think making a custom group for people to join in on the cross server fun is a phenomenal idea. We are currently tossing this idea around in my guild at the moment and see a lot of merit to it. Smaller servers, such as Earthen Ring, have a very tight-knit and friendly community, and I'd love to share that feeling with other people from other servers.

I will be working with other Earthen Ring players to start promoting open RP events via the custom group list. Since I have you on my battle tag list Zaranae, if you ever want to ping me to see if anything's going on or just want to bounce ideas around, feel free to send me a whisper.

As for everyone else, get in on this idea! This is the future of roleplay in WoW. No longer are we confined to just our own servers for roleplay, but we can now reach outside of our boundaries and make new friends while making new memories.
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100 Draenei Mage
11/19/2015 12:25 PMPosted by Jarrick

I think making a custom group for people to join in on the cross server fun is a phenomenal idea. We are currently tossing this idea around in my guild at the moment and see a lot of merit to it. Smaller servers, such as Earthen Ring, have a very tight-knit and friendly community, and I'd love to share that feeling with other people from other servers.

I will be working with other Earthen Ring players to start promoting open RP events via the custom group list. Since I have you on my battle tag list Zaranae, if you ever want to ping me to see if anything's going on or just want to bounce ideas around, feel free to send me a whisper.

As for everyone else, get in on this idea! This is the future of roleplay in WoW. No longer are we confined to just our own servers for roleplay, but we can now reach outside of our boundaries and make new friends while making new memories.

I absolutely agree! Cenarion Circle/Sisters of Elune is really tight knit and it's great, but sometimes things can get stale with only having the same, small group of players/characters to interact with.

I will be putting out broadcasts for events/open world RP, if people want to add me on Btag. Again, it's Yonykins#1884. If something is going on, let me know and I'll share. :)

I'll also be posting on twitter as @Zaranae_CC.

I will be making Custom Groups on the LFG for Monday's Ironforge Clinic and Tuesday's Feathers Tavern in Booty Bay. Both are Alliance events. They will probably be called "RP Event-Ironforge Clinic" and "RP Event- Feathers Tavern." Sign up and whisper me, we'll have a brief conversation to make sure everyone who comes is coming to RP, not to troll and I'll invite. :)

I encouraging anyone else- especially Horde! to do the same for their events, but I can certainly understand why some would be cautious about it.
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