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100 Blood Elf Paladin
04/03/2015 09:21 AMPosted by Plainswander
04/02/2015 06:54 PMPosted by Clottia
I need items for the coffin pantry!

....I don't know what bothers me more, that I misread this as "Coffin Party", or that it seemed like a perfectly normal sort of idea to hear coming from Princess Clottypops over there.

We're getting jaded, Plains, I'm tellin' ya.
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04/03/2015 12:14 PMPosted by Ketiron
04/03/2015 09:21 AMPosted by Plainswander
....I don't know what bothers me more, that I misread this as "Coffin Party", or that it seemed like a perfectly normal sort of idea to hear coming from Princess Clottypops over there.

We're getting jaded, Plains, I'm tellin' ya.
Mah innocence! My wide eyed wonder'n joy at livin!
Some low down no good dirty cheating goblin done gone and STOLE IT!
It're the only explanation. Ayup.
Either that, or I just needs to visit the cellar again. See how the still's doin'.

Maybe both.
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100 Undead Priest


Arlston pops and Discauince crude de te's..

I am truly STARVING now.

Boys, please come to Brill!
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100 Human Rogue
04/03/2015 03:18 PMPosted by Clottia
Boys, please come to Brill!

  • http://i.imgur.com/S0IoTPx.jpg
  • Where you at?

    You're letting me down Clott....
  • http://i.imgur.com/ySeqEsf.jpg
  • Also your rogues aren't very good...
    Edited by Arlston on 4/4/2015 3:03 PM PDT
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    100 Undead Priest
    ... But you are always with me!

    Reply Quote
    100 Human Rogue

    I noticed.

    Don't worry you're always with me...

    Also I stole one of your kneecaps.... Yep.
    Edited by Arlston on 4/4/2015 3:20 PM PDT
    Reply Quote
    100 Undead Priest
    As SOOON as I posted that...

    My doorbell rang.

    It was my parents.

    They brought Easter Bunnies for my kids.

    They just left with my kids.

    I walk up to my desk and see I'm dead...


    Now Stormwind Burns.


    *limps off*

    ((LMAO.. I like how I'm "Away" and eating dirt.. jerk. :) ))
    Reply Quote
    100 Blood Elf Priest
    I would also like to have a listing of pricing for this discreetly that is. *smiles sweetly* Pethaps passed off as a letter from a goblin. Thank you very much
    Reply Quote
    100 Gnome Priest
    (( *mass giggle fit*


    *deeeep breath*

    *a few more giggles*

    *finally, a sigh and a clearing of throat*

    All right. Just got an email from Twitter as I was trying to wind down for the night. If any of you listen to Corpse Run Radio (and even those of you who don't), you might be interested in knowing we just got featured on the latest episode...


    Considering Juno's sensibilities, not sure if the selection of this particular version was intentional or not :P

    *goes back to her giggle fit rather than sleeping* ))
    Edited by Derscha on 7/22/2015 9:25 PM PDT
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    100 Gnome Warlock
    How did I miss this...
    Reply Quote

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