Sin After Sin

100 Human Warrior
Hey all.

I was wondering if the Sin After Sin guys were still around. They were a pretty swell group of dudes and probably the best guild I've ever been a part of. My main back in the day was Petradon, an Orc warrior.

Miss this server. <3
Edited by Broscience on 4/10/2015 1:20 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Priest
Would love it if they were - you folk wrote some pretty swell stories. :)
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Sin after Sin is still around.

I see Fairview and Narcdim on a pretty regular basis.
Orathon is around but is more often on his SoE twin.
And I saw Wickerman pop on the other day, (tho I think he's been playing on another server all along).

I have a big soft spot for that whole crew - they devoted an entire Saturday back in BC teaching my scared little warrior how to tank - in SLabs no less.

And I swear I'm not a creeper >.>
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