This Friday, there will be an event in the CRZ Zone Deadwind Pass, geared towards those who dabble in shadows.
If this interests you, check it out!
Here's a summary of what you need to know
Name: Sermon of the Black Cathedral
Host: Slanezh ( ICly: Stephano Samwell)
Location: Master's Cellar, Deadwind Pass, Eastern Kingdoms (Wyrmrest Accord)
Time: 17th April,10:30PM (PST)
Synopsis: A place, where users or people interested in the shadows, can commune in a sanctuary setting to listen and share knowledge after the occasional sermons.
If this interests you, check it out!
Here's a summary of what you need to know
Name: Sermon of the Black Cathedral
Host: Slanezh ( ICly: Stephano Samwell)
Location: Master's Cellar, Deadwind Pass, Eastern Kingdoms (Wyrmrest Accord)
Time: 17th April,10:30PM (PST)
Synopsis: A place, where users or people interested in the shadows, can commune in a sanctuary setting to listen and share knowledge after the occasional sermons.
Edited by Zaranae on 4/15/2015 5:41 PM PDT