[A] RP Guild: Bards of the Lion

100 Human Rogue
Website: bards.enjin.com


Each of us have our own personal quests, seeking gold, honor, or ultimate bests. But twice a year we'll choose one story & put on a play to showcase its glory. Like what you see or don't mind tryin'? Come join us today, & be a <Bard of the Lion>!

Bards of the Lion, looking for folks! We need actors, barkeeps, and people with jokes! Singers and writers are welcome too; if you have a talent, this guild's for you!

Bards of the Lion is looking for more! Musicians and playwrights, reciters of lore! Don't like the stage and prefer to brew? Waiters and Caterers are invited too! If you've a talent, then come on down; join a troupe of some renown!

Looking for:
    costume designers
    special effects specialists
    personal questlines
    reporters, field photographers
    song writers
    musical instrument operators

What we offer guildies:
    normal guild perks
    unbiased audience for your costume/xmog ideas
    people to RP in your plots
    RP backstory help
    guild website/galleries/forums
    Teamspeak Channel

Services we offer other people:
    Musical Performances
    Investigation Help

Accepted Payment Methods:
    In-game gold or RP gold
    RP Food
    Lots of Praise
    D) All of the Above

You can apply or view our galleries, stories, and guild info at bards.enjin.com!
Edited by Cerulana on 7/21/2015 6:01 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
I really enjoyed RPing with you guys, but I didn't know what your guild was about.

That sounds like so much fun! Best of luck and I hope to catch your productions :D
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100 Draenei Mage
Bump to say how amazing these folks are!

The more I get to know them, the more I love them. They did an amazing job for Z and O's wedding, and I can't praise them highly enough. <333
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100 Human Rogue
Go pester...er..torm..er..hrm

Go RP with them? Yeah that.
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