Of course! All Dwarves are welcome!
Dwaaaaarves! Clan Moot!
I realized earlier that Thundermar is phased. I think it's ok as long as no one is in the middle of the quest chain though, but I'm not sure.
We tested for it already by summoning in level 30-something lowbies and could all interact just fine. I don't know about folks right in the middle of the quest chain, though.
Edited by Mhairin on 5/4/2015 5:39 PM PDT
I'm gonna die...FOR HONOR AND STUFF.
Omg, a moot in Wildhammer country and I have to work.
The clan moot is TONIGHT!
Also happy Cinco de Mayo!
(I'm sure dwarves from other servers will be more than welcome, should any still be lookin'!)
Also happy Cinco de Mayo!
(I'm sure dwarves from other servers will be more than welcome, should any still be lookin'!)
Edited by Kirsy on 5/5/2015 2:01 PM PDT
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