Farewell for now

100 Goblin Warlock
Some of you might have noticed my absence from WoW over the past few weeks. I do apologize for not communicating more when I've had the opportunities and for missing out on many of the RP events and discussions that have been occurring. However the reality is that WoW has unfortunately become a game that I no longer enjoy.

I won't go into the details and turn this into a rant. Needless to say the changes that have happened in 6.0 along with the ones (or lack of ones) in 6.1 have finally pushed me to the point where I literally don't want to log on. Hopefully my concerns with the current state and direction of WoW will be addressed in the near future.

Regardless I have decided to take a break from the game and my sub ends this Saturday at 10:50pm est. I'll be sure to attend what I can of the AAMS Lounge on Mormel though for a quick good bye and please know that I will miss many of you who I have come to regard as friends over the past year that I've been active in this wonderful community.

I've started playing Star Wars: The Old Republic again and leveling a Republic character on the Ebon Hawk server. If you happen to be around in that game and on that server then let me know so we can try to meet up.

Also if anyone wishes to keep in touch with me while I am away then just say so before Saturday evening and I can give you an e-mail where I can be reached. I wish all of you the best and thanks again for the great memories.
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100 Human Warrior
Mormel nooooo! But... but... where will I get doughnuts!?

All of my SWTOR characters are on Ebon Hawke, so if I ever return I'll definitely try to find you.
Edited by Foravin on 4/23/2015 5:17 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
I for one -definitely- noticed. I was just asking about you the other day and starting to worry. I am glad that you are all right and well. But I am sorry that you will not be coming back. But we must do what is best for ourselves, and I totally understand your decision :)

You will definitely be missed on both sides of the faction fence and I'll get a hold of you by Sat to get yer contact info.

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100 Goblin Shaman
We are going to miss you a lot- your absence has indeed been noticed lately.

You're going to be leaving quite a legacy here on server, I know Kezrin's personal story was greatly affected by Mormel. You'll be welcome back any time you want to drop by. I sadly won't be at tomorrow's Lounge due to RL things to wish you farewell.

Best of luck!
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100 Orc Shaman
Dirty stinkin pubbie. I got a few Sith that otta put you right! (In all serious, Miss you tiny goblin thing. If I ever wander my way back to SWToR, I'll let you know!)
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100 Goblin Priest
*breaks down sobbing and crying, her makeup streaking all over her face*

B-but Mormie!!! What am I gonna do without my bestie?!?!?!


*starts sobbing some more*

((on a more serious note, I understand all too well the need for a break sometimes, Ditzy will leave a light on for you! ))
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100 Human Warlock
So long old friend. I wish that I could see you once again.
I never knew, the time would come when I'd be losing you.
I hope you know I never meant to treat you badly.
And now I noticed what a friend like you is for.
I never thought that it would end so sadly, and you'd be walking through that door.

So long old friend. I wish that I could see you once again.
I never knew, the time would come when I'd be losing you.
I always thought our fun and games would just go on and on.
I never knew I'd have to say, so long..
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100 Gnome Priest
Wishing you lots of sunshine and creative goodness wherever you go! Fare thee well, boogery Worm Melt! xoxo
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100 Undead Priest
Well.. poop.
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100 Undead Warrior
Fare you well, ssshe-thing, yesss. We too are on Ebon Hawk, but haven't played in over a year. On it we are Darth Aeturnusss, yesss.
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I wondered why a certain goblin wasn't giving me grief on these here forums.
I'll miss our eminently silly verbal sparring matches.
And truthfully, I can't disagree with your reasons for leaving at all.
Best of luck, I hope you find the Right Game.
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100 Goblin Hunter
All I hope is that you enjoy your break. Though I will try to come over to Ebon Hawke when I can. Right now got no characters there since was on Begeren Colony and that Bounty Hunter was trouble when he could be. So right now trying to decide what to create Republic side since usually don't go for Jedi since there were so many on Galaxies that lost interest in them.

Gonna miss you on WoW and understand the reasons for it well enough.

As for anyone looking for me lately, RL decided to crunch down a bit, so unsure if will be on for Lounge tomorrow. Apologies to anyone thats been trying to get in touch.
Edited by Rhazin on 4/24/2015 4:29 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Shaman
Sorry to hear WoW isn't fun for you anymore Mormel =( I hope you find fun on SWTOR! Keep in touch now and then, because we'll miss you!
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100 Goblin Warlock
I really do appreciate all of these supportive replies :) This really is a wonderful community which made my decision to take a break an especially difficult one.


Don’t worry. I’m sure Gerhilda can keep supplying the Union with her doughnuts while working at her mother’s bakery in Ironforge. If any of your swtor chars are pub side then look up Koderi.


Thanks Gen :) You’ve been a great friend and guild leader to have. I’ll be sure to send Genevra an in-game letter with an e-mail address I can be reached at.


That’s very kind of you to say and I’ll miss you a lot too Kezzy ;_; I wish you all the best with both the continued development of your great characters and with things irl.


Imp scum! The Empire must be stopped! (Thanks and look me up if you end up on Ebon Hawk Pub side)



*Tries not to get blinded by the light*

Thanks Ditzy! I hope you are enjoying WoD atm and try to keep an eye on Rhazin and Swizzy while I’m away.


Awwww *-*


Thanks for all the fun times Lawn Ornament!




It’s alright and I urge you to continue your efforts in getting more cross faction RP going.


Another Sith… well the Imps are the more popular faction so I guess I shouldn‘t be surprised :-/ Anyway, if you return to swtor and happen to make a Pub character then look me up. Until then be sure to keep your maggots fed.


I’ll miss our verbal battles as well. Hang in there and try a goblin product now and then.


We’ve done a lot together and I certainly would welcome having you in swtor as well if you are interested. Sorry about going Ebon Hawk and Pub side. It’s just the best server location for me and I find Pub RP has fewer… “issues” than what can happen Imp side.

Anyway, I hope everything clears up for you soon irl. I’m going to miss you a lot too.



Thanks and I’ll keep in touch the best I can. Even though swtor certainly has its share of problems I am having quite a bit of fun atm.
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100 Undead Warlock
<- Yet another Ebon Hawk'er. My hiatus has been more come-and-go, mostly coinciding between which one had the latest patch. I have alts on both Pub and Imp sides (I wanted to do all 8 class storylines, and I'm a Black Belt Altoholic). As for my current grumblings about WoW, the big one is being locked out of the Legendary questline because I can't run the requisite Heroics (I'm visually impaired and I often run instances with a spotter, which I can't do in the Silver Proving Grounds). I lost confidence in my chances for progression when a GM's solution was "have someone else come to the house and do it for you". I was a big supporter of WoW because of its accessibility; now, not-so-much.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Aw Mormel, I'm sorry to see you go.

Vincent - Proving grounds are only needed to queue random heroics, you don't need it for a pre-formed group. If you need a hand getting a group to do a walk-in, look me up in-game, I can put one together.
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100 Undead Warlock
I know, Arizza. The problem I've had is not being able to fill in role gaps with LFG. If we're short one, or is someone has to leave mid-instance, or if someone's connection drops, I'm out of luck. It's happened enough times to be annoying.
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100 Human Paladin
Well, fudge. I hate to hear this. Clottia and I were discussing some things to hopefully stir up horde and cross faction rp. You will be greatly missed. It's a large blow to the community and those who greatly appreciate you for all you are and have been.


The light is always on.

Gentyl's pilot
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100 Blood Elf Warrior

I only tried to murder you twice, you will be missed. We had some great times :)
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
04/28/2015 03:35 AMPosted by Vincentwolfe
I know, Arizza. The problem I've had is not being able to fill in role gaps with LFG. If we're short one, or is someone has to leave mid-instance, or if someone's connection drops, I'm out of luck. It's happened enough times to be annoying.

Vincent, I'll get in touch - with a tiny bit of planning we can get you through it without needing the group finder to fill in the gaps.
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