A Moment of Pure Joy: The Drunken Kodo

100 Draenei Mage
I cannot even describe how happy I am. I'm tearing up right now!

This is seriously the culmination of everything I've been doing with CRZ events.

I've received permission to share the Drunken Kodo with you all.

What is the Drunken Kodo? Oh, just a defining memory of my adolescence, you know.

I have had such wonderful experiences here when I mained Hordeside, and I really want to share it so others can have that same experience.

Enough sap!


Feeling bitter that on Tuesdays, a neutral goblin bar is commandeered by Alliance?

Well, the -other- neutral bar is blissfully full of Horde on Tuesdays -and- Thursday! It's the Drunken Kodo!

[H] The Drunken Kodo Tavern
Hosted by Zephyr Crew of Thorium Brotherhood
Location: Ratchet Inn, the Barrens
Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 7-9 PM PST
Description: The Kodo has been run by the ZC for over 7 years now, and provides a place for Hordies to meet, hang out and socialize in a friendly and casual setting.

Thorium Brotherhood has been merged with Silver Hand and Farstriders, but they are still a small community and I will really like to see us coming together for great RP. I think the scene there would mesh well with our server's from what I remember.

I love this event and I love this community. I really hope you guys get the chance to check it out!

Side note: I don't want to fill the forums with every new event I add, so I'll be making new posts and consolidating all of the events to one or two posts. But this one in particular is very important to me and I figure it deserves its own post. :)
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I remember when the old Order of the Ebon Shield tavern was in Ratchet..with Rukharello the grumpy warrior... xD

But this sounds good! I'll have to try and run by.
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