[H - Weekly Event] Confessions!

100 Blood Elf Mage
We all do wrong. Sometimes, we wish we could atone for our wrongdoings and get a fresh start.

If you are ready to be absolved, join Ambassador Ondolemar - a well-trained priest - for a private confession. You can rest well at night knowing that your deepest secrets are safe with him, and you must no longer bear the weight of them.

Ambassador Ondolemar will greet you at Spirit Rise in Thunder Bluff, in the large hut in the center. From there, you will be taken to a nearby, private location for your confession. The best part about this? It is completely free of charge.

Entertainment and libations will be available while you wait.

Location: Spirit Rise, Thunder Bluff
Time: EVERY SUNDAY, 7 bells (Just after Storytelling is usually finished.)
Contact Lithliana by mail if you have any questions.
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100 Undead Priest
*bumps with her hip*

Come out to play Horde.. I am positive *all* of you need to confess.

If not, there is always the pointing and the laughing.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Reminder that confessions are tonight!
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100 Orc Warlock
I confess...
I often dream that I'm standing on the bridge spanning the lake humans call Everstill. I turn to face the screams, the heat, and the acrid smoke and howl madly with glee as I watch Lakeshire burn. From that day forward they are called Red Mountains for the blood of man that soak the earth.

Then a breeze kicks up. I realize that I stand on the bridge naked. The cultists that I lead all stop and look. A few of them point and laugh as others stare. All those who laugh are slaughtered by my bare hands, and the pillaging continues.

... and I remain on the bridge, wearing not but my grin.
Edited by Gorehand on 5/4/2015 8:03 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Confessions tonight after Storytelling - the event is running short today, so confessions should begin around 6:15!
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100 Undead Priest
I hop to attend this after story telling. Looking forward to confess somethings.
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