[H - Weekly] Alchemical Wonders

100 Blood Elf Mage

A strange elf beckons you from your usual path as you're making your way through the Court of the Sun. Nestled just between the herbalism and inscription trainers, he stands under a canopy, surrounded by colorful flasks of every shape and size, still-bubbling. "Fresh elixirs! Reagents!"

Near him, a Sin'dorei mage plies her wares as well--ice cream and other sweet treats! They are none other than the paladin Uluion Starseeker of the Doomguard, and Lithliana, a courier of the AAMS.

THURSDAY EVENING, at 7 Bells, join the two for friendly trade & chat at the Court of the Sun in Silvermoon City. If it goes well, they may visit again!

((Battle elixirs, mana potions, and healing; most for level 50+, but some (reduced price) for lower levels. Most items sold at vendor price. Treats sold at vendor price or lower. Contact Uluion or Lithliana by mail for more information. Invite your friends!))
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Come to Silvermoon tonight at 7 bells! Come to buy, trade, or just chat!

((Bonus: If you have the GHI (Gryphonheart Items) add-on, we can create custom potions or treats for you! Trust me, it's worth it!))
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100 Goblin Shaman
((Wish I could be there! Hope you have fun.))
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
((Oh, man! I wish I had seen this posting earlier. I absolutely would have been there. Any chance of this being a weekly thing?))
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